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Royal Tournament - Controversial but ....



  • Liinuskainen
    Liinuskainen Posts: 4

    Level 1

    This is just ridiculous! I used to love this ”side”game, now for the fourth time in a row it looks like I am not going to win anything! Last three times I couln’t even open the first treasure chest. I had only two wins in a row and then I just kept loosing the third one. I just used the first 5 tickets of the new round, lost every single game. And I am loosing just because the other player has absurdly good luck or they have one or two boosters and I have only basic lollipop and cage. This rarely happend before, now it happens all the time. Before I was at least sometimes able to play all the way to the end sometimes using the boosters I got as a reward, now I just keep loosing and loosing. No point or motivation to play it anymore

  • Mozzie007
    Mozzie007 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Having read these comments I have learned that I am not “into” the game as much as many others. I just play each game for the enjoyment. The one thing I do find is with the aggressiveness and nastiness that blockers are used. A lot of players seem to make it their objective to collect the appropriate candies and as soon as they have enough they immediately and quickly use the blocker. It almost feels like they get such enjoyment at placing their opponent at a disadvantage, or take the opportunity to be nasty. I just don’t understand how players could be thrilled to win when the reason they won was because they did the dirty on their opponent rather than winning fair and square.

    i would like to see a trial removal of the blockers. It would perhaps make the game a bit more positive rather than negative.

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited July 2022

    Hi @Liinuskainen and welcome to our Community!

    You are right that RC is very difficult lately!

    I started playing a few months after RC's release, back in 2019 and since February 2020 I play without missing any single event!

    Well, there were two critical points that affected RC's difficulty and our ability to proceed to next levels with ease!

    The first was on September 2020 when there was a discussion here in the forum about boosters and how many candies they need to fillup! Players wanted that boosters and blockers have to fillup faster and Studio put this in the game!

    After this change and because of adding new Arenas it became easier for boosters/blockers to fillup much faster!

    These Arenas are: Arena 11

    Arena 12:

    Arena 15:

    and Arena 13 (not in use now)

    These Arenas have only 4 candy colors and not 5 as the old ones, make boosters/blockers to fillup faster because of:

    • Increasing candydropping
    • 5o% percentage of red/blue candies on the board

    As you understand, with little luck, this gives the opportunity to your opponent to block you multiple times in the same two moves set (you can also do the same). Of course this is a cause of frustration....

    There was also another change aproximately 2 months ago, adding the feature of buying boosters using gold bars!

    This feature came first as an experimental feature for 2 weeks, back in the late 2020 or in early 2021, I can't remember well!

    Players asked many times for this feature to return back, and it came!

    However, many players decided to use it and now, if someone plays using only the two basic boosters, it is very common to meet opponents who have powerful boosters selected! Of course this is not fair!

    With this or that, the conclusion is that

    • Long streaks are more difficult now
    • Proceeding to higher levels is extremely difficult as well

    There are some ideas by players:

    • Return back to the old setup having only the two basic boosters
    • Restrict the use of two powerful boosters/blockers simoultaneously
    • Remove blockers at all (I like this!)
    • My idea here!

    What do you think? 🙂

  • Hi @Mozzie007 and welcome!

    I like your idea of experimentally removing all blockers! I actually referred to it in my previous post!

    You can open a new idea in Jelly ideas area, describe what are you thinking and ask from players to vote your idea! 😉

    The fact is that I would like to play some day without any "cagers" as opponents! 😀

  • Hi @Mozzie007 I completely agree with you. If your opponent blocks and blocks they have not won fair and square. If they got rid of blockers completely I would definitely play again. Surprisingly no serial blockers have contributed to this conversation!

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,410
    edited July 2022

    Oh right! This is the reason why power-ups are fulfilled faster. But they also reduce move limit in those arenas instead of 14. And of course, it's still based on luck! :v

  • Liinuskainen
    Liinuskainen Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited July 2022


    thanks for the answear @Nikolaos_Prodromidis

    I really miss some of the old Arenas they used to have…

  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628
    edited July 2022


    I mainly play with the pink lollipop and simple cage, but when you come up against players with the two most powerful hammers, I adapt. I love that you can now buy boosters and blockers because if you are continually up against players using the two most powerful hammers, and you're not even getting past the first brown level, you start using them as well. And just like you said "you're hammering your way through." I don't like to do this but I certainly know how to adapt. Suppose I get through the brown level or whatever ever level I'm on, I go back to the basics until it's unsuccessful again. I usually purchase the 24hr play after using my five tickets depending on the time. By that I mean whether it's 10,15,20,30, etc.

    So many times I have been blocked on a players first move. I usually don't block unless you block me first. I think a player shouldn't be allowed to block someone on their first move. More often than not, it places the other player at a huge disadvantage! Take for instance your first move is a colorbomb, but you have cascading candies from that first move to fill your blocker, automatically that player is going to block you from the colorbomb on your side. I've seen it done plenty of times. I can say if the same situation happens to me, I don't block, unless you have two hammers. I know players think I am crazy when I do this, but I want to know your skill.

    I do have 11 fishnets and 10 cupcakes 😁😁😁

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?