🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Can anyone tell me why?!



  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @NatalieG

    No worries and thankyou for showing the same manners! I love that!!! It's refreshing :0)

    I never make any promises as there a lot of people with a lot of ideas and it's not up to me to decide.

    In saying that though, you never know about an idea if it isn't shared. That way it can be collaborated on as a community topic and tweaked until it could actually be what we think is a workable option. That is great Community Spirit and Team Work and so encouraging for everyone. Thank You for doing that!!

    Then of course we can let it take it's course through the process and see what happens from there. If it's not workable well... you guys are making this place the type you want it to be and this all helps that and is part of the adventure I guess!!

  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628


    Thanks for considering this option. I know there are no guarantees that I will be able to buy boosters and blockers, but if it comes back, how will we know? If I only have one of a boosters or blockers I hold on to them. I learned that lesson the hard way when I had one fishnet left and used it not knowing that it had been taken away from even earning it when you reached a seven in a row win. Is there a place, thread or discussion where we can access that information? If not, can you start some discussion, thread or place to give players that information? Once again, thank you for your response.

  • @NatalieG I agree with you about buying boosters! I like having boosters and I prefer spending my gold bars for boosters than keeping position or even buying unlimited!

    I would like to bring it back! It was available only for 12-15 days, I think!

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @NatalieG

    Yes I have had something in the works, not exactly the same but a little similar. When I get a chance I'll work on it again.

    Due to the long weekend I've been a bit busier helping people out in different areas and there is always Admin and Community issues do arise from time to time, so hopefully at some point this week I'll be able to get a chance to look over and tweak it and get back here to see how you guyz are going with your ideas too.

    Great to see you and @NikolaosProdromidis conversing on this!

    Have you added your rank screen shot to the new thread buy @NamTruong2001 in the green box on the Main Discussion page? That's a great way to be involved and support each other to. :0)

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,409

    Hi. Due to the change of the mechanism in Royal Championship. The player only gets powerups from the streak reward (or chest you can see on streak bar) except Cupcake and Fishing Net.

    I will tag some CMs I could know to consider, because you have the same situation with us.

    @Lola_Pop @LadyRaffie @Elsa @channie8

    Hi. Like the post that misscandycrushchamp has posted, we totally can't get Cupcake and Fishing Net anymore, even we have no choice to buy them.

  • shellhar4
    shellhar4 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Why is there a chest next to my name?Whrn it shows what place we are in

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @shellhar4

    Screenshots are always helpful to avoid misunderstanding and get better responses. Have you got one you can share please?

  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628


    When I was able to buy some, I did. I am glad that I did as well. I have 10 Cupcake and 10 Fishnets. That was an idea that I loved playing Royal Championship. Even though I have Crush, Soda and Pyramid Solitaire, Royal Championship is my go to game. I don't like that it's not here on Mondays, but that does give me a chance to play the other games. Although most of my money is spent on Royal Championship. Especially when I had the option to buy boosters and blockers. I hardly ever spend my gold bars to keep a streak, I 've only done it by accident a couple of times, but when it came to buying more boosters and blockers, I was spending gold bars like crazy. I truly hope that it becomes an option again.


  • NatalieG
    NatalieG Posts: 628


    Glad to hear you may have something in the works! I love Royal Championship and it is my go to game even though it sometimes frustrate me. I don't like when I can't play on Mondays but that gives me the opportunity to play the other games like Crush, Soda and Pyramid Solitaire. I mainly spend my money on Royal Championship and when I had the option to buy boosters and blockers, I was all in. I now have 10 Cupcake and 10 Fishnets that I will hold onto for a while because you can't even earn them anymore. I also have a number of Swirls (not sure if that is the correct name for them) and I have a number of Ghosts ( not sure if that is the correct name for those either). But thanks for considering bringing that option back at some point in time. I know it can be busy a lot dealing with all the ins and outs of any game, I just appreciate your time and thought.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @NatalieG

    I've read a few things where people aren't sure about some things so hopefully I'll get a chance to come back to it.

    I love having Mondays off the RC also and it's great you play Pyramid, the Mod there is really nice too.

    Yes I like the name swirls for those liquorice blockers too and also like the domino blockers.. Love love love the liquorice levels. There's not enough of those boards I think personally. 🤣🤣

    Those Jelly "Ghost" are funny little things but I save them for the "cagers" and heavy handed players coz I like to laugh at them, when they get them and then they have to use they're lollipop when they don't want too. My humours like that though and I play RC a little different to others.

    You know it's not up to me right, to bring the purchasing options back? I just listen to you guys and see what you come with and refine over time and then submit ideas, when they are in a workable format, that I think I can work with in presenting LOL

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?