🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • Nobody speaks! .....it is a couple of days now, maybe more.... 😶

    Maybe there is no interest..... 🙄

    Decline and fall?? 🤔

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415

    Everything which needs to talk both talked, so nothing left to share.

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455
    edited June 2021

    (Edit by CM: Offensive)

  • lautje72
    lautje72 Posts: 150

    Maybe there is no interest from the developpers or anyone who can change this game!! I have a lot to say, but i have said it many times before. There is no change at all so why bother. 😬.

    Ok, for the last time: get rid off the "laughsmiley" and the streaks!!!! ( especially because of the 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 because you will loos 99 %). And.......i'd better go for a walk😟

  • alsto40
    alsto40 Posts: 455
    edited June 2021

    I had a certain moderator private message me that too.RC was the only game I was playing & it wasn’t worth my time responding to them. Well now I don’t play any of the King games so it’s still pointless to me. 😂🤣 (Edit by CM: Offensive)

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833
    edited June 2021

    It’s so funny.... I can’t not even reply to any of your posts here. @NikolaosProdromidis @headoperations and others. And I don’t understand why. Maybe I have been banned for doing that? 🙄 that’s one of the reasons why I can’t follow your threads and give my opinion. Even @Lady_Sarina is been tagging me recently about some events/challenges and changes in the main jelly app but again, I feel like I have been blocked from “replying” to her even do I see others doing it without any problems. Is the Community section turning exclusive? And just letting certain members to participate? I thought “everybody was welcome to the community, here” like the slogan says it...

    But talking about this place been silence and not everybody is speaking or talking about the RC issues is because pretty much everything is been said and nothing has been fixed. I noticed that many jelly RC friends have left already because of that and I am afraid that many more will be leaving soon unless the Studio does something positive about it which I doubt it.

    @headoperations Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t understand why they are telling you that you only care for the RC community? Are they suppose to tell you about your preferences about which community sections here you should care for? I care for RC more and no one can tell me otherwise. Also, and in my opinion, all the developers and moderators should also care for the RC since it’s also part of the King’s Kingdom and they should be the best caretakers.

    It’s sad to see and read in other sections about changes or improvements in the jelly map and side games but they never mention Royal Championship which I think if I am not mistaken,also considered a side game. Can somebody explain that to me? 🤔

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    Hi @95chata

    Not sure why you're posts haven't come up in the other areas I tagged you in? I can enquire about that after the weekend, as I was looking forward to hearing your opinions on some of those things :0)

    When looking at the whole of the Jelly Community and the Jelly Community as part of a Whole Community Forum, there are many areas to consider. When beginning a job, taking stock of each of those areas and it's needs and goals is a process that takes a long minute, along with getting to know everyone. Initially, RC took priority and hence The Top 5. Whilst working on other areas like the Mastery Badges, Weekend Challenge, Game Talk Discussions, Quick Links, Jelly Race, Level Tips, New Badges, Competitions, Arena's, Support, Ideas etc there is feedback been collected on the RC, meetings etc.😃

    I may not have been here for 2 yrs but I have spent a lot of time reading back in multiple threads in multiple areas and collected data along the way. Probably around 900 pages or more. Unfortunately this does take more than a long minute. However that is a normal process for someone who cares enough to take the time to do it and then discuss and explore options within meetings. Writing up those findings also takes time and then further meetings, which can be awkward with covid restrictions and time zones, does also mean a process, which is normal in the business world. In the mean time, I may not appear to be here often but rest assured there is activity going on , on behalf of all the Jelly Community, including the RC.💛

    I do take time to answer PM's in between and though I've received a lot of good suggestions and ideas and sometimes not so good ones or unhappy comments, I do listen. Yes I do things a little different to others who have tried before me and am only human like everyone else but sometimes, if something hasn't been working for you then it's time to try something new. For those who have co-operated and shared with me in collaborating a new approach, with new threads and ideas that incorporate all areas of Jelly I thank you once again. It is encouraging and exciting to work with those ones in implementing an overall new vision and generate such creativity. A thank you also to those who PM me with support and positive words and friendship despite being frustrated with the process, your understanding is appreciated and keeps me slogging away at all the behind the scenes chores both here in the community and at home. Even though it is only voluntary, I am here even when it doesn't appear that I am, though I do have to take care of "Mum and Household Duties" as well 😅😅😅 Yes, even Driving lessons for my daughter need to be scheduled in 🤗 @NikolaosProdromidis @NamTruong2001 @headoperations @Allouna76 @janeau_owl @tinytara1970 @CassD @Elsa @Andres-2 and others I haven't mentioned...thank you :0)

    Do I ask things of you guyz sometimes, especially patience or thinking on a different track of an issue? Yes, but that is being part of a Community and something I require of myself also :0) The whole of Jelly has a family feel and I hope newbies who don't play RC feel part of that family too, as I would like every Jelly member to feel appreciated and valued. So, in all areas of Jelly, there are things in the pipeline. In trying to be positive and make that a fun process to be enjoyed along the way, for everyone, including management. I'm hoping that in general, a more "happy" approach, really makes the atmosphere of Jelly a place that people like coming to and stay around in. Maybe, not having 2 yrs of frustration can be a good thing, where fresh eyes and being impartial can lead to better things in a better way, even if it is a bit wacky, just saying 😅😎🤔🤪🧐🤗

  • janeau_owl
    janeau_owl Posts: 215

    Well said @Lady_Sarina !

    As everyone can see, I'm a newbie but was very warmly welcomed when I started posting a short while ago. I enjoy reading everyone's little stories, the contests on the forum and also the wacky stories of what happens to people on the RC. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to input ideas about CCJ's characters and appearance and the game itself. Thanks to dedicated people like Lady_Sarina and Lola_Pop, I've received help on even small matters.

    Just want to give a big friendly shout out to our unsung heroes on this community forum. 😍👍️❤️💯

  • Andres-2
    Andres-2 Posts: 4,540
    edited June 2021

    Excellent words

    I was also well received not only CCJS, but also CCS, CSS, CSF. I also enjoy reading and writing the discussions, contributing ideas that can improve the Game and the contests.

    Help struggling players with levels whenever possible by reviewing and recording the level.

    RC I don't play a lot, but there are great jelly players who can help with any issues or questions new players have.

    @Lady_Sarina does an excellent job helping the entire gelatin community in the different areas.

    @Lola_Pop Keeps us posted on new features for the jelly community that may be to come. He also helps the players with little things.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?