🥇First positions in the Royal Championship? Share your screenshot and collect your badge!

Royal Championship - What do you think?



  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415
    edited June 2021

    @Tiatouti it is indeed the last badge of the event.

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited June 2021

    It is a good badge!!!!! 😀

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited June 2021

    I have noticed something lately! The order of discussions is not changing, when a discussion has a new post!

    Why is this happening? 🧐

    This pushes some active discussions back, while we have a lot of new meaningless discussions of 1 - 2 posts! 🤔

  • lautje72
    lautje72 Posts: 150

    Maybe they are on a holiday, as they usually do every summer....😉

  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hello @NikolaosProdromidis

    yes sure and my aunty used to be happy when she reached the peacock badge

    @Allouna76 is sending her greetings to all of you

    imagine the Arena is closed in her device, we do not know why!! but she think that the studio close it because she was sending them all bots photos last time 🤣🤣🤣

    or they know that she is not playing anymore do not know!

  • Hi @Tiatouti

    No, the studio does not close arena, when we talk about "bots" etc!

    This is an issue, that many players have lately! We don't know exactly the reason!

    Tell @Allouna76 , to clean cache etc, but I am sure that she already knows this answer! 🙂

  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Thank you @NikolaosProdromidis

    no need to do anything, She is not playing the RC from long time, she was trying 1 or 2 games sometimes but you know the answer… 😂

    Maybe because of her condition she gets more nervous or frustrated I can understand that

    I found it very challenging and I love it… its correct that it needs a lot of improvement and changes but they are happy with it, I like to beat these bots and I laugh when I win the game

    there is a 2 new bots called Laris and Erika, you played with them? I was in streak 23 and Laris won the game in 2 moves!!!

    What badge did you reach now Im already a peacock 🥳🥳

    i voted for keeping the streak after a “tidy tie” but 1000 changes and comments about the RC are waiting to a reply or action!!! And why the number of streak is so important for some players, For sure I will be happy if I play continuously without a loss, and all players wish the same for sure, so who will loose, the bots??? 🤣🤣🤣


  • Yes,in the beginning I do believe that there were a lot of low A.I bots around here, so the first team of players were mostly winning!

    As time passes by, players become more experienced and bots learn by players, so situation becomes more difficult! 😀

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited June 2021

    @Lady_Sarina and @Lola_Pop hi!

    I have a serious question! I did this question again and no answer is given!

    Well, question is: why a discussion which has a new post does not come to the top? There are interesting and active threads, "buried" by newer but meaningless threads of 1 - 2 posts!

    Is this a new policy, or it is a local problem related to my device? 🤔

    Maybe it is happening "selectively"?

    Look at the screenshot:

    This "freebies" discussion really has a new post and is on the top (of non green discussions).

    But there are a lot of other discussions, with interesting content and active,being "buried" in the second page!

    I commented on these discussions, but they did not moved to the top!

    What is going on here?

    @headoperations @NamTruong2001

  • Tiatouti
    Tiatouti Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis

    you know my aunty was totally right, she told me not to register or to show the progress or my interest in the game because I will be black listed and thats what happen!

    from the time I start playing it takes me maybe 2 hours play to reach the peacock badge level after I post here my progress and my interest I could not pass the streak of 5!!

    its not weird!!!???? I got stuck on the board with no fancy move and even if Im almost the winner, my opponent got last second 2 boosters near each other!

    so I think better to watch what happening here and their without any reaction, a silent member

    Thank you and take care

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