Edited by CM: ❌This is no place for lobbying nor campaigning. Thanks! -

Level 1
I think the developers have rigged RC with bots. It’s impossible to have long streaks and win chests no matter how good a player you are or if you buy lives, pay to keep progress, or buy unlimited.
Edited by CM: ❌This is no place for lobbying nor campaigning. Thanks! - Check our House Rules
Do you think you’re being cheated? Thoughts?
Definitely, this isn’t a “game” any more. There are so many times it is blatantly obvious the app is rigged, example below of a ridiculous amount of points in a super short time frame. 60 ladder points in five minutes? Hmmmmmmm
I completely support you. Players are spending $$$ and not being given any kind of fair chance
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I have also played against myself, my opponent had exactly same name and pic as me.🤔
Then there are these faceless players that have streaks of 10 or more 5mins into the tournament, but they are nowhere on the leaderboard.🤔
This is not a fair game anymore.
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This is ABSOLUTELY no place for lobbying nor campaigning. ❌ NOT at all!
@Ameliz Keep trying and you'll get it! ✔️
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As a mod, fair enough, if a house rule is broken, let someone know. But a blatant personal threat - anywhere, anytime, from anyone - regardless of being a mod, is completely uncalled for under any circumstance. This is supposed to be a friendly forum - no place for bullying and threats - even by moderators.
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What’s going on? I don’t understand your reaction….could you please explain? 🤔
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I don't understand what does it mean "lobying or campaigning"!
I really do!
P.S. I am not an English speaker.
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@ CM
Excuse me? How was this lobbying or campaigning? An email explaining would’ve been nice.
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That’s crazy. How is 50 points that fast even possible?
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Of course, blame the players internet connection rather than the obvious glitch in the game. This happens to many players, myself included. It is a fault with the game , not the player 🙄 . Since when are we gaslighting players and blaming them for well known glitches in the game?
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I have recently stopped playing the championship because of the so called internet glitch. After playing for over a year and never falling below 10th place the last several months once winning I get the no internet connection sign quite a bit. After upping my data and installing a mesh system all my games work beautifully including jelly. Rc seems to lose connection alot when I'm not losing
Have a blessed day