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Offensive Username



  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679
    edited May 2022

    @NatalieG @MooMooKD I truly think it’s crazy how people are trying to get political and put offensive things as their usernames. It is truly disappointing how people think that doing all this in a family friendly game is a good idea.

    Like cmon. Just go to Twitter if you wanna be offensive and political. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Heidstar Yes, I was aware that you had also received a lot of negativity concerning abusive screen names. I did post a response but I didn't tag you so you probably didn't see it, I was appalled at the attitude of the Mods and the other players and this continued catchphrase of "remember to be kind" actually infuriates me. I know children play this game but you can get a rough idea from most posts the sort of age a player is so being told to be kind I find extremely patronising and more in keeping with a primary school environment. From what I can see reporting it makes no difference as there are certainly no implications to players who chose to behave in this way especially after hearing the player I reported has just changed the "F" to "PH" and is clearly still playing. At the risk of being told off again I really cant see what the Mods do other than tell us what boards are available and offer condescending responses to those who dare voice an opinion. I have never been one for platforms such as these and only really came on to it when the Arena was closed back in January to see if there were any updates. My overall feeling about this site is that it is extremely clicky and the Mods only want those who don't complain.

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hi there!

    All the offensive names that you mention are reported to the Jelly team. It's not always easy to find those players though, but I can assure you we try hard.

    Constructive feedback is essential for the game team, so please keep it coming. Criticism is welcome, but being rude is not.

  • Just confirmed everything that I said previously. @Lola_Pop why do you think every criticism is rude. My thoughts and opinions are not rude, they have not been typed in a rude or aggressive manner. I do 100% genuinely feel that the Mods do not do enough to combat this type of thing, or maybe you are unsure how to deal with it which is why you then flip it on to the player and come out with your usual "be kind" catchphrase. Not every opinion or criticism is rude. The community is way too clicky and as Mods you should be seeking to remedy this not encourage it.

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    I'm sorry you feel like this, and I hope we are able to show you that we combat it, and that we value players like you, who keep an eye on it.

  • MooMooKD
    MooMooKD Posts: 48

    Level 3

    @Lola_Pop Still operating under that name!

  • @MooMooKD, thanks for the report!

  • MooMooKD
    MooMooKD Posts: 48

    Level 3

    @Nikolaos_Prodromidis Hi, I tried to tag you when I posted but your name wasn't coming up in the options!

    Thank you 😊

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,871

    Hi @NatalieG @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Lady_Sarina

    I played RC when I first joined Jelly not so long a go, I haven't played it now for a while because I had an opponent with an offensive name (4 letter F word) I was totally shocked and wondered how they could get away with such a name, also the emoji's I am not keen on, as for the best part they are used to ridicule when I have played and it does put me off my game. Thank you for all the helpful info on this topic, it is good to know I can switch off the emojis, and also take a screen shot of offensive named players and report them to a CM 🤗

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited May 2022

    Hi @MooMooKD, it happens some times to have difficulties tagging someone, there is not any problem as I saw your post!

    @Racoon7 and all players, every time you see an opponent who has an offensive screen name you can report it here, with screenshot if possible and you tag the mods or the C.M. as you said!

    Then we report it to the technical team and they search to find and close this user's account!

    However we all know that these players are not members of the Community, but some players who connect with facebook or with email. It is very difficult for the tech team to find them and sometimes, when their account is closed, they open a new one, using another email and they return back!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?