level 16396 another level that cannot be passed, my version has 35 moves nowhere near enough moves !
level 16393 is so blatantly obvious that it can’t be passed without a load of major boosters or buying more moves, it’s just getting ridiculous how many levels are like this ! Developers are just all take and no give now ……. giving a little goes a long way with players !
level 16333 only achievable with 2 colour bombs switched which is not possible in my game so now we’re expected to pay for moves to pass most levels, I’ll just check in daily and play my moves but had enough now ! Will not pay to pass these levels …… back to scrabble and words with friends
level 16165 absolutely not actually possible to pass with 24 moves ! instead of calling these levels legendary or nightmarishly hard they should just be honest with customers and call them “pay to pass” levels, terrible way to treat customers who having got to these levels have mostly paid a lot over the years
level 15976 is actually not even possible with 25 moves, I requested it be looked at only to be shown a video of how to pass, it needs two colour bombs together at the start, which is not even possible so at least the developers now acknowledging many levels cannot now be passed unless you pay !
Candy crush have to stop claiming all levels can be passed without boosters or buying more moves because it’s not true ! The developers clearly don’t value they’re customers, any experienced player can see immediately level 15847 is not achievable with allocated moves, they obviously don’t trust the premise that if you…
bought 6 hours play with boosters and still couldn’t pass this level with 30 moves, the game is really past it’s sell by date now, it’s not fun and challenging just frustrating….don’t expect to play for free but won’t be paying to pass levels that are actually not passable unless you pay, which is nearly every level now…
level 15832 is a good level to wean yourself off candy crush it’s so blatantly obvious it’s not passable, I reckon with an extremely lucky board it may be passable with no boosters with maybe 50 moves ! I have 34 moves, just check in now and hope it’s changed if not no more money from me 🤷♀️
level 15820 just another level thats not actually possible to pas unless you have a ton of boosters or happy to pay for moves …… just boring now
level 15658 it’s not actually possible to pass this level with allocated moves or a ton of boosters, the thing is if you do pay for more moves/boosters you only get to level 15661 and it’s another unachievable level ! Absolutely shocking