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15847 Another level only achievable with gold bars

dopje Posts: 1,015

15847 Completely impossible with 23 moves.  Having had two color bombs so often is not normal that they never fall next to each other on this small field.  Gold bars, gold bars, that's just how frustrating it is to be able to play this game...


  • Anthony7
    Anthony7 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Most levels after 15,000 you need gold bars to beat them. I been lucky I have won over 40,000 gold bars since I been playing this game.

  • dopje
    dopje Posts: 1,015

    Wow... You're so lucky.   The gold bars only came later when the levels were already impossible to play so you could not collect many level upon level impossible levels only achievable with gold bars.  If you have a lot of fun playing here, this is long gone.  Such a pity.

  • dopje
    dopje Posts: 1,015

    How is that possible?  How did you get 40,000 gold bars together?  Incredible.

  • Anthony7
    Anthony7 Posts: 47

    Level 3

    I won 744 in a row and counting. 744x40=29,740. Won alot of gold bars in candy royal and in candy boxes. Also won gold bars in other events they have in the game.

  • Ann_Menmuir
    Ann_Menmuir Posts: 88

    Level 3

    bought 6 hours play with boosters and still couldn’t pass this level with 30 moves, the game is really past it’s sell by date now, it’s not fun and challenging just frustrating….don’t expect to play for free but won’t be paying to pass levels that are actually not passable unless you pay, which is nearly every level now ……. back to scrabble and words with friends 🤷‍♀️

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