Hi @Queenyogi1413 Welcome to the Community 🤗 Unfortunately King are making it more and more difficult to get free gold bars and boosters. They are hoping players will spend their money to buy them. The only way now to get anything free is if you get adverts to watch, if you are able to complete the Chocolate Box and if you…
Hi @Suraj_Deeru Welcome to the Community 🤗 the best way to get your banner to update to 4000 is to go back replay and pass 4000 again. Unfortunately every now and again the banner figure either reverts back to a lower level or just doesn't change once you've passed a new milestone. So try playing 4000 again and 🤞it will…
Hi @mdrahialam1234567890 Welcome to the Community 🤗 I think you have got the wrong idea of what the Community is here for. We are all players of Candy Crush Saga and come here to discuss and help each other with our games. Many of us are also old enough to be your grandmother. So yes 🥰🥰🥰 is nice but you would probably be…
Played my last Episode and this is what I ended up with Now I know there's not a lot you can do about it @QueenB but I'm happy for you to pass my screenshot to the Studio and those making the 😣 decisions. Ask them how we are meant to be telling others it's a fun game when this is what we are given. Yes the rewards are…
And King thinks that makes it better 😂 what they need to do is put it back to playing old levels again. Lets not hold our breaths though 🤭
Thanks for the tag @PummyRaj I see MannyFae and Christinewupp have already explained perfectly what it is 👍
Hi @hotbenzene Welcome to the Community 🤗 Isn't it annoying when that happens. Others have complained about it but it still happens. King spend a lot of time changing levels weekly so you'd think this is something they could check and get right. Hopefully now you have joined us you will read and join in other posts. We are…
Hi @arohiayush Welcome to the Community 🤗 Adverts aren't a permanent feature in our games, some get them and others don't. King are the ones who decide who gets them and when. Other players have also reported that once they spent real money to buy something in the game their adverts stopped. Hopefully if you haven't spent…
Hi @melody25 Welcome to the Community 🤗 You headed your post as Hard Level, what level are you on now. It's nice that you have joined us, we are all players like yourself and come here to discuss and help each other with our Candy Crush Saga games. So have a read and join in other posts and if you have any questions or…
Hi @Stash420 Welcome to the Community 🤗 Yes it is very interesting isn't it and when we talk to each other in the Community we have to remember the time difference so someones answer could be some time away. Now that you have joined us have a read and join in other posts, we are all players like yourself and come here to…