Mindy_OConnell Level 2


  • I checked out the videos and it says to update manually - I've deleted and reinstalled and updated everything I can find cleared cache and even deleted history frome my hard drive to get a clean install. I use a PC with windows 10 to play on facebook - how do I update on a pc the video only shows on phones by installing…
  • Still not recieving lives and friends are still gone only a couple show sometimes - advice has been to update game but how do you do that in facebook on a pc?
  • I have lost my friends a=on all my King games - support gives the same steps for "recovering" or adding friends but nothing has helped I have to say I used to be a daily player and was always waiting for new levels and now I barely log into the game - I only log in to see if the issue has been resolved but so far it seems…
  • well nothing helped and now I have no friends showing even though I have over a hundred that actually play on facebook - we are all having the same issue of friends dissapppearing and lives not being recieved once sent sorry about all the sp errors but I am too tired to correct them all
  • I also have no friends on my list as of today . Will ait for a fix - hope it comes soon
  • yes I have cleared the cache and the app works until I sync with Facebook to get my level and credits - this tells me the game is corrupt for me and my id as are all other king games at this time - I have issues in every single one since the facebook update where I had to do the permissions thing - I am getting no lives…
  • Ok so I went to the King.com site and opened it there - as soon as I synced with my Facebook game it stopped working (no mouse click) so there goes that option to play - somehow my game is corrupt and I can't find the issue - really need help!
  • Not sure if this will come in as 2 replies because my original did not show after I edited it but here goes - tried again this morning to go through all the steps hoping I could play and was excited when the game loaded at my level - but that was all I got - still no mouse control so I cannot play.- it also does not show…
  • So - any other ideas? I went through everything again today just to see if I could maybe play and I was excited to find it loaded to my correct level but I have no mouse capabilities still - I also am not getting gifted lives in Saga or Jelly now although I can still load and play the games. Still not able to play Soda at…
  • This has been going on for at least three months already. First it started with opening on the first level then after awhile I stopped getting gifts then the click thing - a couple of years ago I had issues that were similar and they too went away all by themselves.....Are they still using Flash? I've done the facebook…
  • I have posted this issue before and done everything on the link you shared (more than once) This has been going on for a long time now and nothing has worked so far. The game started opening on level 1 and at first I was able to use the portal to move to my level and play normally. I am currently on level 892. Now I have…
  • When I open my game it takes me to level 1 and if i play the first level I have mouse control but when it goes to the next level the mouse doesn't work - I get the same thing when I use the portal to get to my level - once there the mouse no longer works and I cannot get into the game to play.
  • I have posted this exact issue - tried every solution here and in forums but it's still not working - I was a daily player and this is sooo frustrating - please can someone help!!!!
  • I'm having the same issues as above and have also followed all the fixes - sent help requests and screen shots but no solution
  • I'm having the same problem and none of the suggested fixes have worked - I had no problem until the last update on facebook and then it began to happen occasionally now it is happening in all the crush games
  • For the last month my game in facebook opens on the first level. I use the pop out menu to travel to my current level 893 and it no longer accepts commands forom the mouse except to meve from side to side with the roller. I tried just playing a game on the first level but it opens the game and no mouse action - It only…
  • Still no solution - I have checked everything suggested and am still without "mouse clicks once I leave the first screen. Game status is active - Browser score is 528. Also when this started i noticed my game was loading on the first level although it does show my level and gold etc correctly when I use the portal to move…
  • Thank you for the response- I should say I am playing the game in facebook on my PC not on a mobile device. I deleted all history of the game on my browser history and cleared all temp files for the game on my pc and so far it looks like it's loading... game loaded and asked me to send lives to friends which worked fine,…
  • I posted in the wrong place but this is all I can access - as I said the mouse allows one click to get to this screen then no longer works to select my level and open it to play
  • Sorry In the delay to respond. My game allows me to load - give gifts and then goes to level one "at level one I am able to use the portal to select my level and then all I can do is use the wheel to move back and forth along the trail but I cannot use the click to select and open the level to play. The only click funtion…

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