Well I would like the option to buy please, it is unfair that some can & some can't 😔 I don't remember a long discussion about it with you 🤔 could you be thinking of someone else? 😊
Hi Nikolaos, that's exactly what I mean & no I don't remember I just know that I didn't have the option for very long, I recall something being mentioned about some people finding it unfair as they couldn't afford all the time etc but can't remember what platform that was mentioned on!
You don't need that option by the looks of it! 😳
Wait what? I used to be able to buy boosters at one point but that isn't available to me & hasn't been for a while now!
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis well they never left me! & can you explain why there are so many arenas? & why do some still get different blockers such as fish or the solid ones (unclear of their name) while I only get the bog standard ones?
Yep, this can happen (been there done that) maybe I should have stressed that I especially loathe it happening when the opponent has prematurely/habitually/unnecessarily blocked throughout the match! I am not a natural blocker you see & will only block in retaliation unless there is an immediate threat that is!
Oh this grinds my gears! 😤 However as soon as they come over with their blocker I disconnect & let them enjoy their 5 points 🤣
@Nikolaos_Prodromidis Hi, I tried to tag you when I posted but your name wasn't coming up in the options! Thank you 😊
@Lola_Pop Still operating under that name!
@MiladyR I know right?!