I am with you Molly, I have lost friends because of this half brained idiotic decision,you would have thought they would have listened, I rely on team chat for friendship in the game, where we can help each other, give praise when someone completed a task, let's hope they see sense instead of DICTATING what and how we…
michimune, you yare so Spot on, as a senior I did not update, auto is switched off,so I still have chat,but my in-game friends are lost because they updated , I am still waiting for the Studio to bring it back and put BAC on its own again,there is no interaction anymore,no fun, no laughs,no team comradeship no way to…
well STUDIO are you taking this in, I have left several posts, and so have other players,put the BAC back where it was,and give us our chat back, your supposed to be the programmers, how hard can it be,or don't you listen to the players ,you have outdone yourselves this time big style
I keep losing my MEGA BALL when I reach level 1000 why? I have not failed a level or is this another glitch.
I don't get out much so it was enjoyable to play and chat but now I have lost that and play my other games WITH CHAT, I think this game is boring now,no interaction with anybody
I am so glad that more players are expressing their frustration and feelings about the removal of chat, I had so many friends in this game that I don't have now, 😭 and a lot of players have left the game, I have not known any game I played not have a chat feature, the STUDIO has had time to put this right, stop dragging…
I will not let this removal of chat function drop. It is destroying some players 😭 in-game friendships, I now have lost contact with my friends thanks to the STUDIO. When are you going to realise that some some players relied on this for communication ,and support throughout the game, YOUR PLAYERS WILL JUST GO TO OTHER…
I am glad that many players are expressing their frustration here as many cannot,a lot will not know what is going on with the chat function, I take my hat off to those who are abandoning the game, it's bad enough high powers to be tell you what you can do or not do,but when you are in a game and play and communicate with…
I have expressed my views and feelings about the removal of the chat feature that the STUDIO deemed necessary, I have lost contact with my game friends from many countries,and now feel isolated, I being of the older generation who enjoy the game and had the ability to chat to the friends I made inside the game feel there…
what a poor excuse the STUDIO has given,taking the CHAT FEATURE that did not suit them,you are utterly heartless, unfeeling , lots of players of a certain age probably do not know what has happened,is the STUDIO going to explain to them they can no longer chat to the many friends they have made, sending them back into…