pebbles2497 Level 2


  • 13752 is a joke with only 21 moves. Lol. To get you to buy 125 moves. Not happening here I will find a new game if they don't change their ways and make it fair for all players.
  • Everyone is right on. Not enjoyable at all anymore. Thanks king for making levels impossible and driving away players.
  • King strikes again with impossible level. 13752 with 21 moves what are they thinking. Then add 125 moves if you pay. That should tell you something king that the level is ridiculous. If driving players away is your goal your succeeding. Well done on your part as you lose more players daily because of your greed.
  • Level 13752 is a joke. Quit playing for awhile because levels can't be beat. 21 moves is totally undoable. They have completely ruined a good game by making levels impossible. They can't see having to add 100+ plus moves that something is wrong. I'm done buying as you buy once they make it so you buy more and more. If…
  • Agree 100 per cent with everything you said. All they want is you to pay pay and pay. Any level with less than 25 moves you might as well count on it being undoable. I play less and less every week because of their shenanigans. I've deleted their spin offs this one will be next if they don't get their act together.
  • Why even leave a comment, king don't pay attention to them. Level 13361 is impossible as stated above with only twenty moves. I'm fed up with this game as all they want you to do is pay pay and pay.
  • All these comments are right on the nose. Driving away more and more players. Levels have become unbeatable. If you see a level with 25 moves or less you might as well not even waste your time. No longer fun to even play anymore. King does not listen to players comments at all as witnessed by number of complaints and…
  • King strikes again with unbeatable levels. 13046 is atrocious. Hope they take their survey seriously as it seems they don't listen to comments pisted.
  • Why even play this game,all's they want you to do is fail no matter what you do. 12859 is a joke. As said before they don't care about players comments. Reading all the comments just proves my point. Keep driving away your players that seems to be their goal.
  • They don't listen at all. I agree with all comments . They definitely need to fix. Once again the levels are changed on a whim and the thunk this is fair My ratings for this game get lower and lower. I will no longer go recommend tis game to anyone till they get their act together
  • Agree 100 per cent. This is getting so ridiculous. Make impossible levels where you can't even get close. As stated before king evidently don't care about their consumers as you read the same types of problems over and over. If your intent is to drive consumers away, job well done
  • 12840 is impossible with twenty moves. King is ridiculous anymore. All they want you to do is spend spend and spend. Not even fun anymore because of unfairness and impossible levels. If that's their goal they've succeeded. So nice they listen to
  • Impossible 12837. Cut down to Twenty moves. Kings work at its finest. That's what you expect anymore from them.
  • Thanks king for another impossible level. You are making it easier and easier to quit this game completely. I am totally fed up with the unfairness you display by changing levels on the go. Its not even fun to play anymore. 12785 is impossible with the allotted moves at twenty. If your goal is to tick off players you…
  • Same old crap king has definite ruined the game making so many impossible levels. I agree wholeheartedly with all the comments. They want you to think they listen to the feedback but all they care about is the mighty dollar. Surprise you're losing more and more players everyday who are fed up with your madness. Changing…
  • Same old crap. Too few moves ,impossible levels,more moves for different players. They wonder why people are fed up with this game. 12767 is impossible with twenty moves. You see twenty moves or less you might as well not even try. King you need to get your act together . changing amount of moves is unfair just so you can…
  • 12718 is nothing but a money taker level. King is completely ruining a good game and driving players away. Thank you king for making my decision not to play your unfair game easier. It seems like you would listen to your customers but it is wishful thinking on my part. Guess I'm done for awhile till you get your act…
  • Thanks king for the impossible level . 12792 cannot be completed in 21 moves not even close. You really are driving away your loyal customers with your impossible levels. Its to the point I don't care if I play this game or not anymore. Good job if that is your goal as I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Still don't…
  • 11795 another one of their impossible levels. I'm so glad king listens to customer
  • Thanks king for making levels impossible. 11728. You don't seem to care about comments as their have been numerous complaints about you changing the amount of moves on a whim. I use to enjoy the game but not anymore. Just wish you would listen to your players .

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