sauren Level 3


  • @QueenB The message is gone. You are the greatest! Thank you so much!
    in FACTORY FRENZY Comment by sauren June 21
  • My game ID is 1650192175. The exact message is "Contacting server, please wait". Also, Factory Frenzy is still on my main screen, even though the event ended. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know how to take a screen shot, but the message is EXACTLY how I stated above. Thank you in advance, QueenB!
    in FACTORY FRENZY Comment by sauren June 20
  • But I did have it and it ended. But it still shows up with a "-" under it, instead of "results". That's why I named @QueenB, thinking she would know if there was a problem with the server. One of my friends had the message for a day, but it went away for her. I'm still getting the message.
    in FACTORY FRENZY Comment by sauren June 19
  • @QueenB Are you aware of others that are getting this message even though Factory Frenzy is over?
    in FACTORY FRENZY Comment by sauren June 19
  • Seriously, nobody else is getting this message???
    in FACTORY FRENZY Comment by sauren June 19
  • @Alienscar I received my 100 gold bars from the Winter Cup. Thank you so much for following up with me!
  • @Alienscar Thank you for the update! I really appreciate it.
  • Wow! Nobody else has experienced this problem? Today is May 2 and still no gold bars and not one reply!
  • @QueenB @PummyRaj I don't know which one of you did it, but I just got my 50 gold bars! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  • The problem is that I have never gotten any e-mails other than the general Visit the Community for answers. I would even settle for an e-mail saying Tough Luck! so I know they actually acknowledge the e-mail. Also, I've never paid. Finally, in the past there was a moderator who, when I had my only other problem, did…
  • @PummyRaj I have been sending replies through the automated emails almost every day. All I get back are more automated emails. It has now been about two weeks that I have not gotten my 10 gold bars or my 40 gold bars for two different events. Thank you for any help you can give me.
  • The problem is that I have never gotten any e-mails other than the general Visit the Community for answers. I would even settle for an e-mail saying Tough Luck! so I know they actually acknowledge the e-mail. Also, I've never paid. Finally, in the past there was a moderator who, when I had my only other problem, did…
  • I did not receive the gold bars. I wrote here in the community and then sent several e-mails to King. It's bad losing out on the 50 gold bars, but having not received the decency of a response from King in nearly two weeks is really irritating! I would love it if one of the administrators here would intervene, but it looks…
  • @kiara_wael Is there any way the Player Support Team will acknowledge to you that they received my requests?
  • @kiara_wael It has been nearly two weeks, which is way more than 72 hours. The Player Support Team has still not replied. Any other suggestions?
  • @PummyRaj I still haven't heard back from King about the 10 gold bars for the Goldbar event and the 40 gold bars for the Bash For Bars event. King owes me a total of 50 gold bars. I e-mailed them three times and have heard nothing. Can you help or should I just give up? Thank you! It really isn't fair that I now have only…
  • I did get my 79 gold bars. But where did they come up with an additional 60? Not complaining. lol.
  • It does. Thank you. I'm glad you have done this before.
  • It was a little unclear that the January 23 date referred to the additional 10 gold and 40 gold, especially since one of my candy crush friends claimed he got them (He is a trouble maker and could be lying) and another candy crush friend said she complained to King and they gave them to her (which I find hard to believe as…
  • Yes, I did receive the e-mail. Thank you for the explanation.

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