My rate in King communtiy
Hi everyone, the last time I have been on this platform was in December, And this is March Well, And I have not played candy crush since Middle last year I have been soooooooooooooo busy with life in general I will try to be more updated on this platform At least Thankyou!
As, November is coming to an End, I was just thinking if we can do something. Just an Idea, Moderators, Admins what do you say/think about this, People of King Community let us hear your voices, What do u guys think? Leave your comment below.
After level 3 is the next Noble or is it just level 4
3 months, staying here has been a blast! 3 months, Level 3 WAIT, how many levels till u get to a NOBLE? WELL THANK YOU KING COMMUNITY FOR ALL UR LOVE AND SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun Question
Whoever who answers this before 27/10/24 will get something sweet! How do you save ur progrees Trick Question? UFO SEASON TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
make new challenges
In order for people to follow the king community and play the games, I suggest that we should make new challenges, very fresh ideas that will blow people's minds of! 😀
The race is on!
the race to qualify, knockout the final is here in this UFO season, download candy crush saga and