🤔 trying to workout if there is a logic certainly no fairness. Playing this level there is not enough moves and “conveniently” offer pops up to buy an additional 35!!! to attempt the challenge. Doesn’t this speak volumes-it is impossible and booster, money grabbing continues!!!! Why am I not surprised!
🤔 15 moves to remove 136, multiple swirls, shadowed keys-SERIOUSLY 😳. Can this farce get any worse? Think I just answered that myself 🤣😡
Addition-why do I have to buy more moves (35) and no guarantee I will accomplish the challenge when original amount of moves in the beginning is half that amount. How weird is this game? Total farce!
A repeat of all my other posts! Farce game. goal posts moved adding more items to remove. Bored beyond belief!! swipe the stress away 🤣🤣🤣 what a sick joke or scam
Here we go again!! Why oh why have you yet again doubled the jellies to remove with less move!! scam on going!! I will keep calling you out! What a farce this is with King 😡
This is taking the farce to the lowest level I am even surprised King has gone to!!! SWIPE THE STRESS AWAY-seriously! how do you justify taking 5702 from 35 moves to remove 48 jellies to …… wait for it 25 moves to remove 136!!!! Read it again and tell me how you sleep at night working for a company that uses SWIPE THE…
Impossible but definitely something wrong also. geez this game is not about swiping the stress away 🤣🤣🤣
Just reminded myself of the message from King on the opening of the app “SWIPE THE STRESS AWAY”! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a joker I vowed I’d keep calling out the farce re fairness re shifting possibilities doubling what we have to clear and reduced moves. If King persists so will I re calling out this scam! But reminding myself as if…
I’m calling King out again!! level 5646 started with having to clear 43 jellies now it’s 78!!! Where is the fair platform on this Candy crush saga-aptly named a SAGA that is not resolved with fairness. It’s a total farce ongoing!!
What is going on?? so often what we have to collect doubles-seriously I will continue to call King out about unfair platforms!! How can you do this less moves and doubling the jellies to collect. what a farce! Boosters of no value at all.
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