Goodmorning, I have this issue for a long long time and asked a question about this earlier. In the game you can win a trophy (crown) by winning games in a row. Bronze, silver, gold and finally the master trophy. I always go from 11/12 to 1/6. So I only can get to the silver one. I already cleaned my cache, logged out, etc…
Since a couple of weeks I'm having troubles with gathering tht trophy's. I reached to silver 10/12 and them when I succesfully complete the next level (1st attempt) I'm back to 1. So that means when I play 13 levels in a row i still am at 1....
Bug in latest update?
After the latest update (today) can't play Candy Crush anymore because the keypad is constantly in my view. Even after restarting my android device it didn't disappear. Is this a known issue? Please help
everything dissapeared
Good evenng, Don't knoy what happened but while I was playing, all my boosters vanished. Luckely I still have my lives (for how long >500?) and goldbars 114. But I lost 113 hands, 115 hands, >200 V's, >200 fish, >100 candy/stripes, >100 "spikkeled balls" , and >200 "rolling candies" I am so dissapointed, this is just not…
no Facebook connection
I'm playing connected to Facebook. I can give a life to friends but when I ask for them the game says. ..Not connected to Facebook??? strand bug
can't synchronise king account on android tablet
Good after moon. Are you aware of the fact that there is no possibility to sync facebook to kingaccount on an android device? Want to make sure my progress is safe ☺ Playing on a Samsung galaxy tab S. When I log out from Facebook and log in on my King account the only thing I can do is change my user name or password. I…
did not receive infinitive lives
Just to receive infinitive lives for at least 2 hours I bought 10 goldbars. The 10 goldbars I got, but never received the lives. Can this be solved?