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Denise_Shannon earned the 5 Comments badge.Looks like your training is completed. You’re now a professional diver.January 20
jerrystearns earned the 5 Comments badge.Looks like your training is completed. You’re now a professional diver.January 20
_Hana_ earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!January 20
gyanulama earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.January 20
arayanarya earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!January 20
ankitathedoc earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.January 20
ankitathedoc earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.January 20
liliththesmartwitch earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!January 20
Connorhale earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like changing your avatar make the Community a better place… And you look great!January 20
rosieeanamay earned the 5 Comments badge.Looks like your training is completed. You’re now a professional diver.January 20
BQN537 earned the DiDS Level 5000 Milestone badge.You passed Level 5000 in Diamond Diaries Saga- radiant! 💎January 20
madness200p earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.January 20
madness200p earned the Candy Level 7000 badge.Well done Candy Crusher! Congratulations on completing level 7000!🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖 🎖
This is an incredible milestone, so here is a badge to show the world how good you are at Candy Crush Saga!January 20 -
madness200p earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!January 20
madness200p earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.January 20
TheJooJoo earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.January 20
TheJooJoo earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!January 20
Meeple earned the DiDS You favorite character badge.Thank you for voting for your favorite character!January 20
Meeple earned the Candy Yeti World Map badge.Candy Crush Saga is being played all around the world. Thanks for sharing where YOU are playing from!January 20
amers2424 earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!January 20
Ganesh4477 earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.January 20
Esther056 earned the First Dive badge.You took your first dive and jump right into the Community by making your first comment. Well done and welcome!January 20
Sapphnn earned the 2 Comments badge.No longer a beginner you’re getting comfortable around here.January 20
Sapphnn earned the 5 Comments badge.Looks like your training is completed. You’re now a professional diver.January 20