Watch videos
Why does everyone I know have the ability to watch videos for boosters or extra lives. But I don't.
هذا هوه المستوى الخاص بي
كيف احصل على محاولات وسبائك ذهب
كيف يظهر لي اعلان لتمكن من محاولات
Hello again everyone
Hello Hello hello!!! 👋 A cordial greeting to all, to my dear friends of the Community, known and unknown. I've been here for two years, although he had an absence of 7 months. I'm going to try to dedicate some of my little time to continue helping, I'll try to have fun with all of you again. It's a shame that in my absence…
Sending help
All I get are requests for me to send help to other people. I am assuming since they are asking me to send assistance they have me as a friend. I am not receiving responses to any requests that I send out. Until that changes I will not be responding to other people's request to send help.
I’ve caught this game cheating on several levels!!!!!!!!! Damn it’s messed up when the game CHEATS the players!!!! An d there’s no way to complain other than posting it to all social media platforms!!! Such a shame I use to enjoy playing!!! Thumbs down👎👎👎👎👎
new games
why is it every time i start a game the very next day, I don't have credit and the count down begins at 59 seconds?
Help Needed from CM
I have some account issues, it can only be solved by Community Manager. CM who is available is requested to inbox.
Help! I lost gold bars!
I lost 9 gold bars that I purchased to help me pass a difficult level. It kicked me out of the game!😞
creazione account con la stessa email
salve! per sbaglio non ricordando la password del mio account ne ho creato un altro con la stessa email.come posso cancellare l'account e ripristinare quello di prima? grazie