Have you participated in this HUB contest yet?
➡️ No account yet? Sign up here in 2 seconds! ⬅️ Do you enjoy searching for differences between 2 images? If you haven't participated in @teresawallace44's HUB contest yet then head on over to this link and participate today! ⭐️ Win Gold Bars!! ⭐️ Find the differences! 🌟 What's the prize? 🌟 5 randomly chosen players with…
*FINISHED*Time to celebrate our first Community Anniversary with Gold Bars and exclusive badges 🌟
If you don’t have a Community account yet, no worries, sign up right here 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 The day is finally here! Happy birthday to... us, the Community! Together we’ve welcomed Superstars and Game Experts, we’ve given feedback to our King Game Studios, we’ve got to know Kingsters and, even more importantly, we’ve got to know –and…
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Reach the next level
Its very good
Decode this Star Wars Puzzle!
Can you decode what Darth Vader and Yoda are saying? Check out all three Star Wars messages that I just posted: Today is National Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you! Decode this Star Wars Puzzle!
👨👩👧👦 It's math puzzle time! 😊
Want to participate, but no account, then register here in 2 minutes So @PrettyBubbles and I were sitting around trying to think of what we could post in the community today. “I have it,” says @Elsa “Since the players really love to do the math puzzles let’s do one with a twist! I think Kimmy would love to join in with us…
Free gaden
Blossom blast saga
I love every part of these flower Hmmmm
King no help
and told to try the community
Who lives this game as much as I do with my life so addicted