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Let's create a story together! πŸ“



  • Posts: 171,329
    @Lim, think i use all keys word just want make stories , sorry  :3
    It's okay! @kiara_wael 😊
  • Posts: 650
    The witch used her magic to remove three candy pears from the tree.  She kept one for herself, gave one to the king, and gave one to the hero who was passing by.  "Thanks for the pear, do you need any help?" asked the hero.
  • Posts: 16,947
    The witch told the hero that she and the King were traveling the Kingdom to find the mouse who lived in the mystic pyramid.  They were hoping the mouse could help them find out who dug up the King's magic flowers.
  • Posts: 12,561
    I know this mouse your looking for, the hero said, he’s a good friend of mine. Will you take us to him, the King said. With pleasure, and off they went, the King, the witch and the hero to the Kingdom.
  • Posts: 171,329
    edited December 2019
    ** Finally the King, the Witch and the Hero have reached to travel to the Kingdom. **

    Then they will become more careful to go to the Kingdom's door, the Hero knock the door first. "Hello! It's me! Hero! Everybody where?!" said the Hero.

    (Now it's your turn again! Guys! 😊) 
  • Posts: 12,046
    But nobody answered. The witch got on her broom and flew over the tall fence and into the Kingdom; but she couldn't find anybody! Only hundreds and hundreds of flowers blooming everywhere!
  • Posts: 25,429
    Good morning Lola_Pop! β™₯

     Inventing stories is not my thing. I am a human for a real discussion. I can talk with you - LANGUAGES. Please do not be angry!!! My head is working on a straight thing and it is much easier for me. I love it. And now I go to Farm Heros for my dissociation. If I have made someone curious about it, everyone is cordially invited.

     You also my German-speaking angel !!!!

     Good day and greetings Peggy 

    Bildergebnis fr smilies
  • Posts: 171,329
    edited December 2019
    "Guys! I see the people and the pets are not here in Kingdom but I can see so many flowers in Kingdom!" said the Witch. "Let me think~! Oh No! Maybe they trapped under the ground from the flowers! The flowers are bad not good!" said the Hero.

    ** After that, they will defeat the evil flowers until they defeated the flowers completed, then they will start to dig the ground to find them out and see what happened next in the ground! **

    (Now it's your turn again! Guys! 😊) 
  • Posts: 12,046
    edited December 2019
    Hello you creative authors!! 
    This is a summary of the story so far: 

    Story: .................................................

    The King panicked. What was he going to do now?

    He decided to travel over to the nearest kingdom to meet with the witch. The friendly one, not the mean one. She is scary!
    The King told the witch he had just planted some magic flowers... But when he went to look at them this morning he saw someone had dug them all up!

    - "Who could have done such a thing?". The King asked the Witch if her magic could help him uncover the culprit.
    The Witch said to the King:
    -β€œ I’m pretty sure the Mouse knows who did it, lets go find him β€œ. 
    - "Okay! No problem! πŸ‘Œ Let's travel the Alphabetty World first! Then we go to find him!", the King answered to the Witch. 

    **Finally, the King and the Witch agreed to travel to Alphabetty World! **

    There they continued searching for the mouse! πŸ˜‰They saw Candy Trees and Pear Trees:
    - "Oh! I am hungry! Hey! Witch! Can you take sweet candies and pears from their tree please?" said the King.
    The witch used her magic to remove three candy pears from the tree. She kept one for herself, gave one to the king, and gave one to the hero who was passing by. 
    - "Thanks for the pear, do you need any help?" asked the hero.

    The witch told the hero that she and the King were traveling the Kingdom to find the mouse who lived in the mystic pyramid.  They were hoping the mouse could help them find out who dug up the King's magic flowers.

    - "I know this mouse you're looking for", the hero said, "he’s a good friend of mine."
    -  "Will you take us to him?", the King asked.
    - "With pleasure!"
    And off they went, the King, the witch and the hero to the Kingdom.

    ** Finally the King, the Witch and the Hero arrived at the Kingdom. **

    Then they went carefully to the Kingdom's door, the Hero knocked on the door first.
    - "Hello! It's me! Hero! Anybody here?!" said the Hero.

    But nobody answered. The witch got on her broom and flew over the tall fence and into the Kingdom; but she couldn't find anybody! Only hundreds and hundreds of flowers blooming everywhere!

    - "Guys! I see the people and the pets are not here in Kingdom but I can see so many flowers in the Kingdom!" said the Witch.
    - "Let me think~! Oh No! Maybe they trapped under the ground from the flowers! The flowers are bad not good!" said the Hero.

    ** After that, they fought against the evil flowers until they defeated the flowers completely, then they started to dig the ground to find them out and see what happened next in the ground! **


    I'm curious to read what happened to the Hero, the Witch, the King and if they'll find the Mouse and learn what happened to the magic flowers!! So please keep it up!  ;)
  • Posts: 171,329
    edited December 2019
    ** But they can't see it as it's dark place in the ground! Luckily the Witch uses magic wand to enchant torchwood then they will continue to find the mouse! **

    "Hello! Where are you? Anyone? I am Hero! Please say something! I will rescue you!" said the Hero!

    ** But nobody is still not here in the ground! After that, Uh Oh! they see there are three way of roads in the ground! So would they go together or separate? **

    (Now it's your turn again! Guys! 😊) 
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