Hello All

Level 1
G'Morning all KC from Glendale, AZ. I am a 38 yo semi-retired small business owner whom for health reasons has had to take some steps from business. Going from 100% hands-on to my current hands-off hiatus has been very trying. However, I have found some solace to help me through from CC, CCS, PP, and now AB along with my cockapoo Romeo. I have learned that gratitude goes ALOT longer if instead of expecting Karma's compensation for one's good deeds tomorrow CHOOSING instead to be truly grateful for the abundance you do have, then LIFE becomes ALOT better. You also realize just how wealthy you are in what truly matters friends, family, and how we can help our fellow humans whom maybe truly worse off than we ourselves with things that free. Smiles, Respect, and Empathy are all free. Yet, we often hold back because are self important arrogance along with a caste society tell us that these things must be earned or hard fought for. We are all in this together if in nothing more than WE are ALL living/breathing, period. So here's SMILE for anyone who wants/needs one!
Hello @CaRiG, welcome to our community, it’s very nice to have you here. I have read your story and I’m very sorry for what you’re going through, I know how difficult it can be to go from able body to “ my body is a trader” I know this because it’s what I’m going through as well. I was around 35 when my symptoms started showing up and 40 when I had brain surgery. I am now 46 and have been living with severe chronic pain for 10 years now. I believe in the same philosophy, staying positive and trying to find joy in life( not always that easy) but it’s better to laugh than to cry or the days will seem endless. You should take the time and introduce yourself in the thread “ Don’t be shy and say hi!” ( sorry I can’t send you the link on my phone) also I have a thread going in the Candy Crush Friends community called “ Rare diseases awareness month “ February is awareness month and even if it’s not a rare disease, you will find others like us who suffers, it’s your choice if you want to share your story or just read the posts, that is up to you, I wanted to write the post so we could support each other, sometimes it’s nice to know we’re not alone. If you need any help at all, don’t be shy, you can post here and use @Nat09 pleasure meeting you 🥰😊