Level 6516 has a glitch on my game. Please fix!

Level 1
The three cells on the bottom rigth side can´t be de-blocked. I tried many many times even wasting many boosts over them. But when the three keys are destroyed, the locks remain there, and make impossible to finish this level. I see I am not the only one with this glitch. I play at PC Facebook and mobile Android. Please, fix it and inform me about how to proceed. I hope I won´t have to re-install the game and loose all my boosts (again). Thanks.
Update: I unistralled the game at the mobile, re-installed it, and problem remains. But I lost all my boosts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very angry with Candy managers now.
Hi @javiymapi , I am about 8 levels behind you. Have you passed level 6516 yet. One thing I have found is that Facebook has glitches that they will not address. They are aware of these issues. I highly suggest that you create a King account to play your games thru and see if that helps. You will have a much better game experience.
Keep on Crushing and hope to see you here in the forum.
Kind regards, Glenn
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Hi @javiymapi , I just played level 6516 thru King and did not have much problem. I did make a mistake by using one to many booster I may not have needed.
Good luck!!
Keep on crushing!!