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Put a smile on someone's face



  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    These are my 3 and only pets I have at present, Poppy at the front bottom photo likes to be stroked like a cat 🐈

  • kikkimpooh
    kikkimpooh Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Put a smile on the face

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,045

    Hello King Community!!

    This is my dog Llop. He's 14 years old and we adopted him when he was 10. He's had a hard life but these 4 years we've spoiled him as much as we could- long walks in the forest every day, healthy food and a lot of love ❤️

    Best part is my Mom adores him (she wants to have FaceTime with him every day now 🙄)- she has always been afraid of dogs, no matter the size! But she's not scared of this big big boy at all ! 😆

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Hi @Sharon_Loose, love your birds, beautiful colour and you get to hear them sing all day. There song always cheers me up 🥰 Leo does have a harness on, it’s crooked so you don’t see it on that photo. My husband will set up the fence this weekend ( it’s a small fence that will divide the yard in 1/2) then he’ll be able to run free.

    @Lola_Pop great picture of your dog, it’s wonderful that you adopted an older dog and are giving this animal the best years of his life. I’m sure he’s grateful. I hope he’s done shedding, he’s a big dog, Leo is just a tiny bunny and I’m still picking hair up all over 🤣

  • raelynn1988
    raelynn1988 Posts: 5

    Level 2

  • Harrypotter
    Harrypotter Posts: 150


  • Marlene_S
    Marlene_S Posts: 93

    Level 3


    Awww...that is such a cute picture ❤

  • Marlene_S
    Marlene_S Posts: 93

    Level 3

    @Sharon_Loose @lulu13

    hi Sharon, its only one dog with 3 poses, but thank you anyway. 😉 this was a fun topic lulu. I loved seeing all the pet pictures posted.

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    @Marlene_S I was talking about the cute guy 😂 with Charlie

    @Nat09 your second picture of Leo is even more adorable

  • Marlene_S
    Marlene_S Posts: 93

    Level 3


    oh lol. 😁 thats my son who is a first responder police officer engaged to a hospital nurse. My heroes. They are both beautiful inside and out

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