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The Community now welcomes the Help Center!

CommunityTeam Posts: 2,028 System

Hi everyone,

Today we want to introduce you to a new element of the Community: The Help Centers!

Check out Candy Crush Saga's Help Center, for example here!

After months of hard work, we now welcome the Help Center to the Community as a new service and way to support all of you.

From now on, every game has its own Help Center for you to find all official and up to date information from King on your favorite games. Whether it's a new feature, help with certain aspects of the game or questions about how some boosters work, the Help Centers are there to help you out maximize your joy with our games.

There are three ways to access the Help Center:

  • Through the Help Center icon that you can find at thread levels in your game forums (after the thread if you're on mobile, or in the sidebar if you're accessing the community from your computer)
  • As a link within the Support section of every Community forum
  • On its own in the new homepage.

In this last case this also means that for those cases the Help Centers will be replacing some smaller forums (like Shuffle Cats' or Pepper Panic's), although all players from there are always going to be more than welcomed to join us in this very same King Community, on the Player's Corner, where the fun never stops.

Along with this addition, we also bring a new homepage! Now you can navigate between games in the same way as before, but without having to exit your profile.

We just released these new features, so we appreciate your patience while we work on optimizing it, fixing some issues and making sure your experience is great when being in the Community. The next steps are to polish some of the elements of the release, while we keep on working hard on making the place to be outside of your games! Now, along with being able to chat with us about the game, find the latest news and meet other players, you will have the opportunity to access the best content about your favorite games, done and written by our very own Content Team!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?