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No more Sassiness. Woah-ness is here



  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,255

    Yes, Woah and Sassy are two different expressions. It would be better if woah had added a new one

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,678

    Thanks for tagging me @Spinnifix

    I noticed this morning that this word was replacement.

    Maybe it's because sassy isn't used that often because players don't dare to tag someone naughty. I didn't do it at the beginning because I thought sassy is more of an insult. 

    It wasn't until I was in the community longer that I liked Sassy.

    Woah! could be an expression for wow, well done. But I don't know. Maybe it's hip and has been replaced, but it has the same meaning.

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454

    Thanks for the tag @Spinnifix. I noticed the change today and firstly I thought it was a glitch 😂. To be honest, I'm not sure Woah will be more frequently used then sassy, and I kinda liked the sassy reactions 😉. I guess it'll take some getting used to. 🤷‍♀️

  • @Pitty_Kitty Heya!☺️ Yes I saw the change for 'Sassy' and replaced with 'Woah' 😅 My reaction was the same as yours - 'why though'😂 I'm an English native and I use wow than woah. I guess we will just have to get used to seeing 'Woah!'🤷‍♀️

    Thanks for the tag @Spinnifix

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    We say to us: You are naughty. That's negative. You are woah sounds positive so an aha effect.

    I think they wanted to exchange it and it should only be positive reactions. I read it once in Candy Crush. Because an idea was opened for reactions. Only I don't think it's right to deny the negative. Positive and negative are part of the equilibrium. So it's not fair. Reactions are fine or good, but both types should be mentioned. The negatives don't have to sound so negative. But it does that.

    Because you can learn through reactions.

    Is my honest opinion on it.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited December 2020

    Hi @Pitty_Kitty @Spinnifix @Yosca thx for info & tag,

    Let's see had this many Sassy:

    So didn't have a lot, now all converted over to Woah! Which is nothing more than, slang for "Surprise" or "Wow". Maybe, we are suppose to "Wow" or "Surprise" players more now? (hehe)

    What was the change to the "Badges" @Freddy_Falkner? You mean we get more points with "Woah!"? If true, no problem with that.

    Of course, the International group of players, who don't speak or understand any english, might be confused by this new reaction. So they may not use it at all?

    Will have to see, what comes of this.

    Cyas until the next Woah! - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Hmmm, just noticed this. I agree with you @Pitty_Kitty & @Trish24... "why though"!? I would have wanted it to give your Discussion a Sassy (actually went straight for it but Woah doesn't quite "cut it" so ended up giving you Love -which doesn't really "cut it" but fits better than woah.

    And now I'm rumbling, I see.


    Oh! Also agree with @Werner_Cichy about the fact that Woah! could have been added as a new reaction... that would have been Sassy! ☺️

  • Hi @Origins7_Dale! I think @Freddy_Falkner means that the design of the Badges changed (they now have Crash Bandicoot on them, guess it has to do with the launch of the Game), his comment drew my attention to that.

    I'm sure @MightyWolf is thrilled! 😊

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I just checked it out. Okay they look different, the fact of the matter is what I wrote about. It's not about the badges, but the meaning behind them. So it doesn't make sense to me. Sorry !!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?