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Stop responding to my comments

Snicky64 Posts: 37

Level 3

I may be new here but I'm getting way too many responses to my comments from people who are being self-centered, rude, disrespectful, and narcissistic, plus a player who refuses to leave me alone and continually asking me for extra lives, has asked me 11 times. There needs to be boundaries and stop making a nuisance of themselves and never identifies themself this website should start kicking people off who refuse to show manners, respect, maturity and stop bothering the same person repeatedly for extra lives it's obnoxious, rude and unnecessary to bother the same perspon it's like they don't care that there are other players they can ask and is too dependent on me and I hate that if you can't leave people alone you should be kicked off the site because it's rude to keep making a pest of themself and are living in their own little world. The site should stop allowing people to ask for help because we are adults, not children, grow up and wait for the lives to fill and buzz off, leave other players alone and if I get any more rude whiny respoinses kiss this site goodbye I've had a few players who complained that I was to harsh but if you can't respect my concerns, feelings themn keep myour mouth shjut no need to contact me and be nasty manners, respect, boundaries matter and if you choose to be rude to new players you can leave.



  • Snicky64
    Snicky64 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    There is a player who continues to pester me for extra lives but does not identify themself which is rude, what is it gonna take to get through to this clown that I am not going to help them? why keep bothering the same person repeatedly when there are millions of other players to ask and should comprehend by now that I'm not here to help them he or she has contacted me 8 times, 8 times too many, buy a clue and buzz off I didn't join to be hounded by players or be harassed or mouthed off to by other players in comment section anyone who gets mouthy, snarky, rude kiss the website goodbye there is no excuse for your attitudes but we players have the right to play without other players botherig us for help why should we help anyone when it's not our job or duty to help nobody can make us but players need to stop making pests of themselves grow up and leave us alone it is harassment whren they contact us more than once pull your big boy, big girl pants up and wait for the lives to fill instead of making a pest of yourself and therre should be a way to hide that section of the screen because it's a nuisance.and I don't know who this player is but I'm truly sick of them always asking me whren they can ask someone else why always target me I"M SICK OF IT more than once is harassment buy a clue people buzz off.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Snicky64

    Which game are you playing?

    I have the same 4 people asking me for lives continually in one of my games. They don't send lives back.

    I gave them a few chances to as I like to give the benefit of the doubt but after more than several failed chances, I no longer send them lives. It's frustrating yes.

    It's a great feature: to be able to send lives and receive them daily. It works well in other games I have because those players reciprocate and it's great to be able to send them lives back in return. When a "team player" atmosphere exists, it works exceptionally well.

    Unfortunately, they may be sitting there exercising their right to be a "pest" lol 😂

  • lilikoikisses
    lilikoikisses Posts: 1,046
    edited January 2021

    Hi @Snicky64!

    As far as I know, not all platforms (phones vs computers, King profiles vs Facebook) or all games actually allow players to send lives in the same way. Sometimes they can request or receive, but they can’t send them, or they can send to their group of players that is generated by the game, but don’t actually ever have pending requests or messages from other players.

    I will admit when I started playing, I didn’t realize that actual messages were sent with each request (as I had never received messages, let alone multiples from an individual!) I assumed that everyone got a prompt to send lives to everyone to their group at the beginning of game play, which is what my experience had always been. It wasn’t until I joined the Community and saw people discussing these messages that I realized I had been one of those ‘pests’. (I immediately stopped sending multiple requests, once I was better informed.)

    That being said, you’re not alone in your frustration! I just wanted to share my experience, that they might not even realize they’re being bothersome. I think an option to hide requests is a great idea for players who don’t enjoy that aspect of the game!

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Hi @@Snicky64 Sorry to hear your frustration but sending or receiving lives is a great feature for many players to help them to continue play. It doesn't matter if you dont get any back its still nice to send them as you are not loosing anything as king sends them on your behalf and it only takes a moment to give a player a helping hand.👍

  • Snicky64
    Snicky64 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Sorry about the typos the font is too small to read even though I have glasses it's hard to read.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day @Snicky64,

    All good about the typos, nobody gets it right all the time lol

    I can sense your frustration, maybe they aren't a member and can't see your plee!

    Do you not want anyone at all to reply to any of your comments at all? If that is the case then please accept my apology for responding. You made me laugh out loud when I read it so thought I'd just drop you a line 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,045

    Hello @Snicky64 ,

    I'm sorry you feel this way! We do our best to make you feel welcomed here. Our members have to follow our House Rules , and you can flag inappropriate behavior tapping on the flag symbol below each comment:

    Please let us know if we can help you further- we'll be happy to do so! 🤗

  • Snicky64
    Snicky64 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    edited February 2021

    Nobody should be so dependent on other players for extra lives like this creep who keeps hounding me, yes it's nice if it only happens once or twice but not consistently but this is like an addict relying on his pusher and he refuses to leave me alone and I don't need anyone telling me it's a nice gesture to help someone when this person is like I said he is too reliant on me and it needs to stop.This player needs to stop bothering me and go away, why assume that I'm the one to ask for help when they don't identify themself just begging for extra lives constantly like he can't wait for the lives to fill on their own

    (Edit by CM: Rude)

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Hi @Snicky64 I notice you are posting these issues in more than one area

    My concern is that you say you are continually being bullied and harassed this behaviour is unacceptable in our community.

    Can you please let us know the threads that you have experienced this behaviour as the players concerned will be placed on a warning.

    I apologise in advance that you have had to experience this but please be assured if we are made aware of who is behaving this way we will take action

    I will wait for you to pass us the information so as we can relieve you from having this behaviour continuing any longer

    Please type @ and select my name from the drop down that appears so it turns black that way I will be notified 👍

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Snicky64,

    I most humbly apologise to you my fellow member!

    I was intending to laugh with you not at you!

    I would like to help you as I have experienced the same thing.

    It would be helpful if you could mention which game you are playing, that contains the live sending issue. That way we can understand the sending process better, as they can be , not quite the same in different games.

    I'm guessing you like to get passed the levels on your own strength. You sound like, you like to challenge yourself and not rely on lives sent from others. If that's the case then I get that!

    Most of us members here in the community like to be helpful, warm and sometimes humorous. I'm sorry there is a player who feels like a pest to you and hope they are a community member whose attention gets drawn to your discussion and realises how they are making you feel and stop. The title may not do this though and that's why helpful ones respond to you.

    I guess it's, maybe your tone, rather than your point that may put some off.

    However, this is not the only Community here. This is "the front door", so to speak. It is the Hub. Each game has it's own forum, own Community Manager and own discussion page. You might find what you're looking for, in that specific game community on which you are playing.

    If you go to the "Get Started" icon in the Community Hub Menu, you will find that green boxes come up. Above these is a white box which says "Who we are". Click on this. (Unfortunately it will take you to another area so don't get distracted on the way lol) Here you find more green boxes. Click on the one that says "King Games: 17 king-tastic ways to have fun". It is written by the @Community_Team so you know it's legit. All you then have to do is select the game that your lives issue is in and that will take you directly to that community!

    The Community Manager will be more than happy to help out and are more qualified to give you the help you need, in explaining anything. They are mature, humble , helpful and friendly, so go for it.

    I sincerely hope that this information helps you out, to get an actual resolution and again please accept my apology if my humour upset you further.

    Have a community-licous day :0)

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