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Watching ads for rewards

ga31410 Posts: 1

Level 1

Anyone else beside me that play and watch ads to get rewards without spending money and reach up to the level of 1000?🤔


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,189

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    The video ad feature is still a test feature, which means that some of you can get Lives, while others can get Booster or other items from this feature.

    This also means that the video ad feature will not always be available and not found in all player's games or on all devices.

    So if you at the moment are missing the video ads in your game, just stay tuned and keep an eye in the game to see when it's back.

    Anyway, Which King's game have you playing? 😊

    You can check to learn guides around King Community, Join Contests to chance to win gold bars and more on my below signature here. 👇

    And if you have more questions, please tag me (@Diamond Lim) and I’ll be happy to help. 😉

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Snowshl
    Snowshl Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Why I’m do know have the option for watching ads for freebies and life?

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to our friendly community

    Unfortunately, not all players get it at the same time. The players are chosen at random for this. You can watch 5 videos on one day and none on other days. I hope you understand it. Your wife can see videos and you can not or sometimes the other way around. It is given randomly to the player.

  • Snowshl
    Snowshl Posts: 2

    Level 1

    This is very unfair to the other gamer who are not entitled to get the freebies by watching the videos. You should standardized to all. For those who had the freebies all the times, they are able the go the next level easily.

    No meaning to continue to play this game.....

    Hope the developers can improve this situation.


  • Hi @Snowshl A very warm welcome to our friendly community

    Its dissapointing when you loose a feature this is the same with any of our features the studio will re shuffle at anytime so that other players can enjoy the special features too 👍

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?