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It’s the end of an era! 💫☄



  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089

    Thank you for info. Game Moderator seems more appropriate then Game Expert. But they are the heart of the community and superstar even though will be gone but they are already the stars in my heart. Hehehe

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,722

    You are welcome! Let's see what happens next on 1st March. @siti_payung 😊

  • Hi @Community_Team

    Thank you for informing us of these changes coming soon to the community. 👍

    Changes are hard, scary and exciting at the same time but change is also necessary to grow and evolve. 💕🤗

    We will see what it brings. 🤗

    Thank you for tagging me @Diamond Lim 💕

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • Its great that I came online Today!!! I'll try to keep on the program

  • Please keep this page on topic its important 👍

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    @hechicerilla @Nat09

    I think for us ambassadors there will be new information on February 22nd. From 1.3. we can then fully take off. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense if we didn't get anything. Because I had discussions and surveys running and involved the players. Even we ambassadors talked about certain things where we didn't really know how to behave. Post in English or in our languages ​​or both. Even now that this has been discussed, I still feel uncomfortable about it. It is very difficult even for us. 1. only the English language is allowed here and 2. we are there for this player. Players take precedence on principle. Because not all players can speak English like we do. Only we have to go to the 22.2. waiting. The others got a hint. We haven't and I don't feel good about it myself. Now I'm doing everything as usual and unfortunately I have to wait for God!

    German Version

    Ich denke für uns Botschafter kommen neue Infos am 22.2. Ab 1.3. können wir dann voll durchstarten. Es würde sonst keinen Sinn machen, wenn wir nichts bekommen würden. Denn ich hatte Diskussionen und Umfragen laufen und habe die Spieler mit einbezogen. Selbst wir Botschadfter haben uns unterhalten über bestimmte Sachen, wo wir nicht so richtig wußten, wie wir uns verhalten sollten. Englisch posten oder in unseren Sprachen oder beides. Selbst jetzt, wo dieses besprochen wurde, fühle ich mich immer noch unwohl dabei. Selbst für uns ist es sehr schwierig. 1. ist hier nur die englische Sprache erlaubt und 2. sind wir ür diesen Spieler da. Spieler gehen imprinzip vor. Denn nicht alle Spieler können englisch, so wie wir. Nur wir müssen zum 22.2. warten. Die anderen bekamen schon mal einen Hinweis. Wir noch nicht und ich fühle mich selbst nicht gut dabei. Jetzt mache ich noch alles wie gehabt und muß leider Gottes warten!!! 

  • Oh, I can’t wait for the new program! Even if I didn’t become Superstar, I still hope I can be included 😃

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    Moderator and expert are different functions.

    The moderator is obliged to read all the messages of the topic under his control, to make sure that the participants in the discussion speak decently, stop scandals between the participants and constantly monitor that the discussion does not turn into a flame, flood, and so on.

    An expert is a person who answers players' questions, helps players, gives advice on how to navigate the community, or how to complete a level, or how to solve a problem, or where to find an answer to a question on this forum.

    Is it the same thing?


  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970

    Thanks for the information @Diamond Lim

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @ElenaVorona

    Nice to see you have great insight into the inner workings and terminology!

    I certainly hope you are spot on because that would be an amazing initiative by The @Community_Team, very forward thinking and shows that they have their finger on the pulse with the growing needs of the communities here.

    Also, it would allow all those "hidden gems" who care about the Communities to shine and grow here, making it a really interactive and participative Community with awesome upgrades to functions and features.

    A huge improvement and a "giant leap"!!!!!!!!!

    Well Done @Community_Team and The Community Studio!!!!

    I for one, appreciate this step forward and I'm sure the next generation to follow does too 🤩🤗😀

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?