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Lives with gold bars

Can I get lives with gold bars? If my piggy bank full do I have to buy the gold for $2.99? I don’t have a lot of money so I hope I can bypass spending money for lives.


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,214

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    You can check here "What is the Piggy Bank" that I hope you can understand to read it. 😊

    And Yes! You can buy lives with gold bars that 5 full lives will refilled. 😊

    If you don't want to buy lives with using gold bars, don't worry! You can click here to read my answer to follow these steps of add more friends that I hope you can send and receive lives with friends on any King's Game. 😊

    Anyway, Which King's game have you playing? 😊

    If you have playing Diamond Diaries Saga, what's your level are you currently on? 😊

    💍Join the Diamond Diaries Level 2000 Celebration HERE

    You can also check to learn guides around King Community, Join Contests to chance to win gold bars and more on my below signature here. 👇

    And if you have more questions, please tag me (@Diamond Lim) and I’ll be happy to help. 😉

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

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