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Level Help 171-185 The Andean Trail

abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5
edited April 2021 in Levels 141 - 230


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 11 words ... in 30 moves(Jan 2 2018)
    • 8 words ... in 35 moves(May 11 2019)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • the traps are annoying ... you might select an artifact to remove trap(s)
    • this level requires crowns to make longer words
    • the move stealers blow up in 5 & 12 moves ... keep playing even if 2 of them blow up
    • let's do some math ... 30 moves for 11 words ... that leaves 19 moves to create crowns(with 4-letter words)
    • there is a lot of debris on this board at the beginning ... move stealers, entanglers, codices, rocks, traps
    • get the upper move stealers first, then go after the entanglers
    • try to make 4 letter words with the entanglers(and other debris)
    • try to make 4 letter words with the lousy letters QU J Z V X K
    • when you are able to clear the debris, the center of the board will be clear and then you can start making longer words(using crowns if necessary)
    • try to aim your first few blasters at the rocks and lower move stealers
    • try to use crowns to make 6 letter words into 7 and 8 letter words
    • crowns that are blasted will lengthen a word ... AND most are returned to the board
    • 23290 will get 2 stars ... 24145 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5
    edited April 2021

    • spread 42 cheese ... in 33 moves(Jan 2 2018) ... 35 moves(May 11 2019)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • take a few moves to remove most of the entanglers ... 4 letter words will give you crowns for later in the game
    • once most of the entanglers are gone you can start spreading cheese and breaking rocks
    • try to remove traps whenever you play a blaster
    • the rocks at the bottom need special attention ... try to break the rocks on the 3rd row from the bottom first ... from here there are a couple of options:
      1. break the rocks on the 2 lower rows by making words
      2. use blasters to break the lower rocks
    • note: crowns will take out isolated tiles but will not crack rocks until only rocks remain
    • 17090 will get 2 stars ... 18799 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 25 moves(Jan 2 2018) ... 11 words ... that makes it possible to create 12 crowns(with 4-letter words) ... 9 words(May 7)
    • 8 words ... 32 moves(May 11 2019) ... 34 moves(May 22 2020)
    • let's look at a 5-letter word approach ... one way to budget 12 crowns
      1. 8-letter word ... 5 letters + 3 crowns(1 word uses 3 crowns)
      2. 7-letter word ... 5 letters + 2 crowns(2 words use 4 crowns)
      3. 7 crowns are used for 7 & 8 letter words ... leaving 5 crowns for 6 letter words
      4. therefore at least 3 6-letter words need to be created without crowns
    • move stealers blow up in 13 moves ... don't forget about them
    • Herb says ... You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!
    • it is usually difficult to make long words at the start ... try to make 4-letter words when playing entanglers and codices(books) early in the game
    • try to make most 6 letter words without using crowns(sometimes it is necessary to use a crown, however)
    • try to save(or use) some crowns to make the 7 & 8 letter words
    • when playing a blaster try to take out a trap any time during the game
    • crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND most are returned to the board
    • the best way to make a longer word is by blasting crowns as opposed to having crowns in the shorter word
    • 26609 will get 2 stars ... 28688 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • spread 52 cheese ... in 34 moves(Jan 2 2018) ... 36 moves(May 22 2020)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • go after entanglers early ... try to make 4-letter words or longer
    • try to break 2 rocks in the left, right, or middle column early(try to pick the 'easiest' column)
    • once you break a rock in the 6th row then try to spread cheese and break rocks
    • blasters can make short work of the rocks
    • to improve your score at the end ... try to finish with unused moves and unused blasters ... betty will play them for you and increase your score ... and a blaster is played for every unused move
    • every unused crown is worth 500 points at the end
    • 30437 will get 2 stars ... 32736 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 68 bubbles in 27 moves(Jan 2 2018) ... 31 moves(May 11 2019) ... 33 moves(May 22 2020)
    • try to hit 4 or more bubbles each turn early in the game
    • pay attention to the corners ... especially the lower corners
    • the entanglers in the lower corners will give you fits if they remain at the end of the game
    • try to aim a blaster at the 2 isolated tiles at the bottom of the board(a trap covers one tile)
    • crowns at the end will help clear isolated tiles
    • 16870 will get 2 stars ... 19833 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 66 bubbles in 27 moves(Jan 2 2018) ... 34 moves(May 11 2019)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • the move stealers blow up in 11 & 14 moves
    • early targets ... move stealers and entanglers
    • try to avoid making 3 letter words ... a 4-letter word creates a crown
    • blasting rocks is fun
    • crowns will take out the isolated tiles in the lower corners on the last few moves
    • 15190 will get 2 stars ... 18678 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • 7 chunks ... in 30 moves
    • 6 chunks ... in 32 moves(May 11 2019) ... 34 moves(May 22 2020)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • the move stealers do not blow up right away(explosions start after 12 & 17 moves) ... but need attention from the start
    • try to position blasters to hit the lower left move stealer and the lower move stealer in the middle
    • try to remove the entanglers from the top down
    • if you can't make a long word - try to make a 4-letter word
    • save some crowns for the last few moves at the end
    • 13710 will get 2 stars ... 14160 3 stars

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976 Level 5

    • spread 45 cheese ... in 32 moves ... 33 moves(May 11 2019) ... 35 moves(May 22 2020)
    • you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
    • suggestions came from chat ... Eugene and Loretta
    • the key is the rock between the two sections - and then just lots of blasters after getting the move stealers
    • artifact squeaky sensei might blast that square
    • there is one tile that you don't have to cover
    • try to spread cheese on the first move ... then use a few moves to get rid of most of the entanglers
    • try to make 4 letter words(or longer) when playing entanglers
    • the move stealers blow up in 12 moves
    • try to hit a trap when playing a blaster
    • try to save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
    • 14430 will get 2 stars ... 20520 3 stars

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