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Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate this holiday today!



  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

  • Joey_YouTube
    Joey_YouTube Posts: 1,000

    For me everyday is a mother day , No matter what i do good things to her still nothing campared to the effort she did to raise me untill now 😍, i wish that i can give her the rest of my age so she live longer 💖💖.

    " Alhamdullelah rab alalameen "

    May Allah protect every mother in the world 😍

  • Moh1977
    Moh1977 Posts: 8,269

    ❤❤❤❤❤happy Eid to all the mothers❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • carmenechevarria
    carmenechevarria Posts: 2,344

    Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies in the community👩‍👦‍👦

  • BubbleGumSoda
    BubbleGumSoda Posts: 4,901

    Happy mother's day everyone

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

  • Kezabelle3
    Kezabelle3 Posts: 2,364

    Happy mothers day, all you great moms out there! ❤

  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089

    Happy mother's day to all crushers

    Here is a song about the love of a mother by giving her white rose. The language is Malay Language.

    Mawar Putih Untuk Mama - 

    (White rose for mom)

    You are the moonlight

    Stary the stars

    You are the dawn that publishes the morning

    You water it with dew

    Refreshing the trees

    You open the daytime curtains for me

    You gave it to mama

    Holy love

    How great

    Nothing valued

    Oh, mom, oh, mom

    There is no pure love

    As sincere as your love

    I will pick for you mom

    A white rose

    As a symbol of the purity of my love

    You gave it to mama

    Holy love

    How great

    Oh, mama, oh, mama

    Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Syed Haron Ahmad

    singer: Sharifah Aini

  • AmyE2018
    AmyE2018 Posts: 80

    Level 3

    Happy Mother's day to all of the Mama's out there ..I'm a mommy of 2 beautiful young lady's

  • JoJo75durham
    JoJo75durham Posts: 768

    Tank You DOMINO LIM for the tag and thank you to all those gif sent beautiful Mother's Day cards And I would like to send this one all the mothers playing the game And to those like me that are also grandmothers.

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