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Thank the community-2021



  • Thank everyone who is in this community for making this a fun, caring, friendly, competitive, place to be I hope you all have a safe and happy holidays I'll see you around the community

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Thank you to all of those in the Community who make it a wonderful, friendly place in which to spend time. Wishing you all Happy Holidays, if you don't celebrat Christmas, and a Happy Christmas, if you do. Keep safe and well!

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947

    Thank you @Warriorcatslover and many thanks to all the members of this wonderful community for sharing discussions, ideas, stories and art work as well as creating and entering contests, helping fellow players out and helping make this community a fun and friendly place to be.

    Wishing everyone a safe and joyous 2022 filled with love and laughter!


  • What a nice 2021 we've all had. I made a lot more posts than last year! I'll always be active and make sure to have a happy 2022!

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,871

    Thank you to everyone in the community for making this a very special and happy place to be part of. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970

    The Community, CM, Moderators, Ambassadors, Players

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    @Warriorcatslover thank you @Diamond Lim thanks for the tag

    So grateful for of being part of the magnificent community. Thank you!!!

  • LadyGaivman
    LadyGaivman Posts: 1,771

    This community seems 2 b friendly, thanx!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,322

    Yes! 2021 is over now then finally 2022 is here! Everyone! ๐Ÿ˜„

    Happy New Year 2022 to all of you! ๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿ˜„

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