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  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884


    I have a claim on you.

    You created a topic.

    We all write comments here (in a thread created by YOU).

    But you are silent.

    Do you have anything to tell us?

    I ask you questions.

    You do not answer.

    You have nothing to say? Or are you afraid of me?)))

    They say you used to be the tough guy in the community.

    What happened to you now?

    Are you blown away? Are you simply unable to keep up to date with the topic that YOU created?

    Come on boy, get a grip.

    You have two options.

    1. The topic is important to you.

    And then you develop the topic and contact with everyone who writes posts in your topic.

    2. You just wrote information and already regretted doing it.

    Then you keep silent. This is also a reaction to the events in YOUR topic))))))).

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639

    @MightyWolf The information or news you shared was not NEW in any way as it was made public back when the talks were being discussed between Activision and Microsoft.....maybe or not some here care or not as most only care about their game.....don't you as well, we are not share holders as if we were I don't believe we would be playing the game but more so trying to get more ideas on the creative side of them......hence the profitability of the shares indeed 😉💯

    I remember that back in September you mentioned something about explaining why you left the Community but never did follow up with your statement on that although I remember the reason I believe you left when you did in the first place indeed as one doesn't like it to be lowered down from one level to we now my friend......

    I have been trying to help COTR members for the past few weeks or so and have run into a stone wall, maybe it's because the talks are not finalized as of now or maybe they have.....these members have been requesting new levels or Islands and response to their question since October 2021, and no one has replied to them as I myself have even tried to get them something even if it's just a "Not right now " anything, but nothing has been the reply.....even the current GM'S seem to be like you @MightyWolf gone only to appear as if they are "Great to be hold " but they like you are just Ghost.....thinking they can come back and everything will be all great....remember this why you was gone "We moved forward with out you " although there maybe be a bubble or 2 that feel the greatness of your presence there are more who just 🤣😂😅😄💯

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    If @MightyWolf hasn't answered us by this point, he won't answer. (I think that he has nothing to say in response to our questions or arguments. He is acting stupid or cowardly.)

    We write our posts into the void.

    Let's stop this.)))

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    edited January 2022

    Since this conversation seems no longer to have a fun and friendly tone, I'm gonna close it.

    Please keep it sweet and be nice to each other in the Community.

    Thanks for understanding!

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?