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๐Ÿ“– Story creation challenge: "The adventure of their lives!"



  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,782

    They found out he was pulling their leg when it was suggested that he go to the local food bank for food. When they offered to help him carry all of that food back, he finally admitted he really just wanted the treasure box. But they all....

  • Terri_1
    Terri_1 Posts: 2,482
    edited May 2022

    Told him no he couldn't have the treasure box but they did help him carry all of the food back to his house

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    edited May 2022

    where they decided it was time to sit down and have a truthful discussion with Rancid, as to his reasons for doing what he did. The treasure box was

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,850
    edited May 2022

    really so amazing and had gold bars and more sweet surprises so much. Before they started opening the treasure box, let Rancid discussed them first. "Hey! You guys were really so kindness, friendly and helpful for me! Thank you for your carrying these delicious food back to me. I was so grateful and happy for all of you! I would be very sadness and helpless without you!" thanked Rancid for Amelia, Rachel and all of her friends. "You were very welcome and it's our pleasures!" said Amelia to Rancid. Rancid would be happy whil got tears as they had apologising and helping Rancid a lot. After they helped Rancid to carry his delicious food then Rancid thanked for Amelia, Rachel and all of her friends, it's time to open the treasure box here together now. ...

    (It's your turn again now! This title story is almost happy ending soon! Guys! ๐Ÿ˜„)

  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920

    "Alright, lets open the treasure box. Lets see what we got" Amelia said. She opened a treasure box with a great surprise....

    (It's your turn now before its ended! ๐Ÿ˜„)

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    and turned around to the others, who were waiting in eager anticipation, and said, "Just look what's in here! I can't believe my eyes! This box is full of .......

    (Your turn now!)

  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920

    gold bars, beans and many more, yay!" Everyone said, they got just serendipitous and It was great adventure that saved their lives.

    (It's your turn now before its ended!) ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Terri_1
    Terri_1 Posts: 2,482
    edited May 2022

    There was a whole lot of sweet wonderful candy and there was stuff for the boys and girls and we can't leave the babies out

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,850
    edited May 2022

    Amelia, Rachel and all of her friends were very happy after they got so many gold bars, magic beans and more sweet surprises such as sweet candies and costumes. "Wow! There were so many gold bars, magic beans and more sweet surprises in the treasure box. It's Farmtastic!" said Amelia. Then Amelia would sharing a lot of sweet rewards to all of them (Rancid too). "Hey! Rancid! Here were gold bars, magic beans and more sweet surprises for you too!" said Amelia to Rancid. "What?! You gave me a lot of sweet rewards?! Why?!" said Rancid to Amelia. "Because we were still friends forever and I thought you were very pity and became kindness, awesome and friendly. Then I would giving you a lot of sweet rewards. Sharing is caring!" said Amelia to Rancid. Rancid would be happy and got tears at Amelia again. "Really?! Thank you so much! I really loved and supported you so much!" said Rancid to Amelia. "You were welcome and it's our pleasures again!" said Amelia to Rancid. "Alright! Everyone! Thank you for your joining me, Hunter and Choo Choo to play and find out the treasure box from treasure hunt adventure together! Was that so fun and happy? Right?!" said Amelia to everyone. They would be very happy to get a lot of sweet rewards then they said and agreed it's really so fun and happy to join them to play and find out the treasure box from treasure hunt adventure together. After they got a lot sweet rewards from treasure box, it's time to say goodbye for Yeti, Nutcracker, Tiffi, Bubblegum Troll, Fox, and his friends as they wanna going to their home now. "Goodbye! My friends! Take care yourself and Stay safe, healthy, strong and happy forever all of you too!" said Amelia, Hunter, Choo Choo and her friends to Yeti, Nutcracker, Tiffi, Fox and his friends. "Goodbye too! Take care yourself and Stay safe, healthy, strong and happy forever all of you too!" said Yeti, Nutcracker, Tiffi, Bubblegum Troll, Fox and his friends to Amelia, Hunter, Choo Choo and her friends. After Amelia and her friends said goodbye for Yeti and his friends as they went back to their home, it's time for Amelia, Hunter, Choo Choo and her friends would be continued doing their jobs in their farm home together now. It's wonderful farmtastic ending story!

    - The End -

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,850
    edited May 2022

    Hooray! We did creating and writing this title story is called ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ A Farm-tastic adventure ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ with us completed now. It's really wonderful farmtastic story! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ˜„

    This title story created and written by @Pounawea @CassD @Terri_1 @Racoon7 @LeFlarcane @annthomas0104 @Trishy68 @wykoon @Nat09 @MiladyR @Jelly_bean_hearts @namal_butt_01 @Elviramartinez_61 @garrett3 @WendyG78 @Athalie @rukz @teresawallace44 @Pegacious @MicheleHogg @Hend1125 @Sugy @aautz1 @JessicaBilly @rebelchild and Me (@Diamond_Lim). Thank you for your creating and writing this title story with us together! Yay~! ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ˜„

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