📖 Story creation challenge: "The adventure of their lives!"
The friends apologised for scaring them. They wanted to join in the fun, and Hunter, Amelia and Choo Choo said yes
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Then their friends will be happy to join and play them fun! 😄 After that, they...
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asked their mountain friends if they could camp overnight, and then they could continue the fun with stories around the camp fire and toast marshmallows. Beaver said .....
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"I can't believe this is my first time to join your friends and play a lot! I am so happy! 😄" Then...
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Beaver called his other beaver friends to camp with Amelia, Hunter and Choo Choo. The three friends were reluctant at first but in the end, invited them to camp overnight with them.
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After that, it's time to sleep now! They and their friends dozed off then started sleeping in the tents now. Then...
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Then out of the blue, Rancid run frantically to the camp shouting for help. Amelia, who was halo asleep is now fully awake. She asked Rancid...
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“What do you want Rancid? Don’t tell me you’re trying to fool us again by pretending something bad had happened.”
Rancid said that he was serious then told Amelia what exactly had happened,
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Amelia was still doubting Rancid's story, so she wake Choo Choo up from her slumber and make Rancid repeats his story again.
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"While you have been gone, the bulls are running amuck, they have broken the chicken coops, and frightened the sheep. It is mayhem!" explains Rancid.