Dumped by King on our First Anniversary!

Dear King-
So, I haven't got any Notifications from the community this month at all! Are you dumping me? I thought things were going great, April 1st was our anniversary! I've checked all the right boxes in my Profile, you have my current email, I haven't changed my feeling toward you, so why? Usually, there is the following conversation:
King: "We need to talk..."
Me: "Umm, ok..."
King "I think we should see other people!"
Me: "But, I thought we were great together!"
King "Sorry, but it's not you it's ... No it is you, definitely you! But We ca still be friends..."
Anyway, is there something I Missed, I just recently got some weird error ,message about Vanilla, or something, so I logged out and logged back in. My games are ojk, I can still get my notifications on my King Community Profile page, but no email. Well, I did get an email from King.com, about the Sonic event, which sounded fun,but since Facebook is ghosting me as well, I guess I'll never know!"😪
You're welcome and I understood what you mean. There are some of us here experiencing similar issue on and off.
Yes, I also hope that the issue can be resolved the soonest.
Enjoy your remaining day 👍🏻