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Farewell and thank you! ❤️



  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679
    edited April 2022

    @Pounawea Thank you for everything you have done to contribute to this community! Me and all the other members of this community really appreciate it all! As much as you’ll be missed, you’ll forced be a part of this community, whether you are here or not.

    Farewell my friend! 🥺😭

    (Maybe you’ll find QueenMia along the way!) 😉

    Thanks for tag @Diamond_Lim 😃❤️

  • This is a sad day 😪 @Pounawea I can't believe we are losing another great person in the community. I hope you have a very blessed path along your journey🌈 may god bless you in whatever or wherever your life may take you. I'm so sorry to see you go but at the same time I am blessed to have gotten to know you❤ most of all I can now say I have another friend added to my list that was such a sweet caring person😍 take care my friend and hope to hear from you soon🤗

  • Tess92
    Tess92 Posts: 3,715

    I am so sorry that you are leaving!!!

    I really would have liked to work with you. I wish you the best of luck on your next adventure! 🍀🍀🍀

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,254

    Nobody can take memories away from you. memories last forever

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,433

    Thank you, @Pounawea, for the countless hours you spent making this Community fun and supportive. I wish you the best as you begin your new adventure!

  • Best of luck in your new adverntures. Thank you for your hard work in the past! :)

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I am sorry to hear you are leaving us @Pounawea 🥲

    I wish you all the best in your future adventures! 🤗

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Pounawea best wishes to you! Safe travels and adventures!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    OMG! I'm going to miss you so very much @Pounawea. You've been very helpful to me whenever I needed a question answered. All my super CMs are leaving one after the other. I am speechless. This community is not the same thing for me anymore. I will cherish the memories of our time together and wishing you all the best that life has to offer.

    Actually, it's Tiffi and I that will miss you together. I'm sending you hearts and she's sending you a pail of her favorite fishies.


  • Kate3A
    Kate3A Posts: 2,096

    @Pounawea I didn't know you very well but I'm sad to hear you're leaving ☹️

    Take care, may your next adventure bring you joy...

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