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Badge of the Month - May 🤳



  • Posts: 1,127

    That badge is not made by a talented one.

  • Posts: 1,127

    I don't want that badge. If possible, remove it.

  • Posts: 1,638

    "Babe have you seen my phone, I don't see it anywhere" my husband shook his head. Your on it talking with your friend.

  • Posts: 58,042

    As we returned from the supermarket and walked toward the car, my wife stopped short, she looked panicked, “I don’t have my keys!” She was still checking all her pockets when in slow motion she peeked into the car. Slowly she turned back and looked at me. “They are in the can!” she gasped. Sure enough they were. That wasn’t all though. They were in the ignition, the car was running, and the doors were unlocked! We had spent 40 minutes shopping, while leaving our unlocked car running in the parking lot! All I can say is, I’m thankful to still have a car!

  • Posts: 9,681

    Thank you @wykoon for this thread and badge. The funniest thing that happened to me was last weekend I had my granddaughter for the weekend she is 2 years old. It was so pretty outside so she made me play outside with her all weekend. But I decided to take her to the park. Well of course nana plays with her and does whatever she wants to do at the park. She decided she wanted me to slide down the biggest twisty slide at the park with her. So we climbed what seemed like a million steps up to the slide. She sat down and slid down. So my turn isit down position myself and I start to slide and all I hear is screeching it's my skin against the slide I couldn't go anywhere I laughed so hard because I pushed off like I was going to fly down the slide instead there I was stuck my skin against the slide not moving lol😂 I finally held my legs up so my butt was only thing touching slide and I went flying and I forgot the slide at the bottom was so high up I forgot to put my feet down and flew straight off onto my butt my 2 year old granddaughter was laughing at me so hard and all I could ro was laugh. The people and kids playing with us was dying laughing as well😂😂😂😂

  • Posts: 4,268
    edited May 2022

    Thought I misplaced my sweater.

    One day at work, I tied my sweater around my waist spent a good part of the day with the sweater tied around.

    When I got off from work I didn't realize it was still tied around my waist. I spent a good ten minutes or more looking for my sweater until someone asked me what was I looking for? I told them my sweater. The one tied around your waist?


  • Posts: 171,053

    Also tagging @Tanjak 😉

  • Posts: 70

    @Diamond_Lim Thanks for the tag!!!

    Here is my funny thing that happened yesterday. I was driving my children to brunch and my son who is 31 shared that yesterday was the anniversary of when SpongeBob SquarePants was created. We are HUGE SpongeBob fans and my daughter who is 19 and my son started bringing up all the funny lines from all their favorite episodes. We were laughing so hard!!!!!

  • Posts: 27,618

    Thank you so much for the Badge of the Month @wykoon. Also thanks to @Crazy Cat Lad for the beautiful badge. And our great @Diamond_Lim thanks for tagging.

    Kind of funny, but also a bit embarrassing. Went to church and kept hearing some whispering behind me. Finally made out a couple of words, looked down and saw that I had my top on backwards! 😮

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