we all also have the right to express our opinion.

I was surprised by the fact that you wrote so many, many of your thoughts and opinions in the thread about closing personal correspondence that it took you several long posts to do this. But you have not given a single member of the community a single chance to answer you. You have closed the topic. It would be better if you immediately closed it without these posts of yours. This could be at least somehow understood by an ordinary member of the community. (This happened hundreds of times.) But you preferred to tell everyone in detail what you think about us, and after that you quickly hid in the "house".
Are you afraid to communicate with ordinary members of the community?
When I read that thread, I was amazed at what I saw. The same opinion (against the closure of correspondence) was written there by people who for me are at opposite "poles" in this community. But in this situation they are one. They all believe that this is bad and this is the degradation of the community. And they give a lot of logical and reasonable arguments. Among these people are people who were recognized by community officials as very, very respected people. Now I doubt that this confession was sincere.
Why did you close the topic?
Haven't you realized that the community is not admins and moderators? A community is the people of which it (the community) is made up. And without these ordinary players, the community absolutely loses its meaning of existence.
Escape to the "house" does not solve the problem, but complicates it even more. When will officials finally understand this?.. When will you stop solving the problem by not talking about the problem? If you forbid people in the community from talking about the problem, then the problem has not been solved, the problem has not disappeared, has not evaporated, has not resolved, has not fallen through the ground, has not flown into space. And this means that these questions will be raised again and again in the community.
No need to run away from problems, because problems "run" faster and will catch up anyway. Problems must be solved.
(I was forced to create this topic. You yourself forced me to do this.)
okay @ElenaVorona
A real conversational discussion, with the interchange of thoughts & ideas, held in a manner that is mature, friendly & keeping inline with good manners & House Rules, is something I am interested in & would participate in, even as just a general member. The same in the real world face-to-face.
If confidential PM's are inserted, mock accounts pretend to be who they are not, emotions turn into a tone that is no longer feeling like friendly exchanges of communication & individuals get singled out from what appears to be gossip/ personal agendas & bullying rather than actual occurrences or factual events, then yes - all of that is breaking aspects of guidelines, that keep us all safe & only further division, friction & confusion - so would be closed.
In the real world I wouldn't be partly accountable for overseeing that in any manner, so would either walk away or possibly try to calm it down - depending on the people or situation.
Moderators are humans with feelings. Doing so voluntarily & involves more than just putting out fun contests. Even the more unpleasant things we don't actually enjoy. That's just what it is. As members we can have a say but as Mod's, we care how we say it & think about long term things also, along with admin.
All businesses have accountability to the laws of the land they are in & online that might include different country's who have different laws. We have to be aware of that also not just contests. So whilst managing a Community & trying to facilitate the needs, wants, likes & dislikes of it's members & make them as workable as possible - it is not actually a "Democracy" or "Republic" due to being under those Laws, Work Place Health & Safety Legislations & Organizational Policies & Procedures. Boring for some but necessities Mod's have to factor in & yes we could receive consequences for those if broken but again, under different laws to paid employees. As much as we try to keep it light & friendly & not weigh you all down with those details, we do have to think about them. The same in the real world.
Initial emotional responses are normal, to a change of something we are familiar with & have come to enjoy. Twas great to see that developing from that, into other areas that some saw, as worth considering also, along with actual suggestions I could collect, to enquire about the workability of them. That dynamic was also taken away, by the fake Accounter sharing the screenshot, also continuing the in house, behind the scenes sillyness, that only reinforces the need for educating acceptable standards of behaviour, Netiquette & how one's perceived "injustice" is not accurate & just furthers division.
Quick one liners never really help. Many languages can translate sarcasm differently. Posting a thought is for everyone, not a few. Just as the way we write matters. Real conversations are more than quick one liners & contain substance, not just emotion, accusations or the ideas of one sector only. Being the loudest or most fierce, doesn't always allow for others to be heard & others should get to do that in the forums, not have to resort to PM's out of fear of embarrassment or mocking because of those louder ones perceived as the majority. That also makes it harder, as I can't collect that PM info & submit those types of screenshots to help, as I'm bound by the rules of PM confidentiality also. Not everyone wants me to add a more qualified person to assist either.
So yes, open this thread. Conversationally discuss preferences, things you'd like to see or how you'd like to see them. Keep it mature, friendly, emotionally stable & with a view to being part of the solution not the problem. Expect Moderators to Moderate & don't put them down for that. At least they are here, interested & care.
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The reactions are digital footprints, also helping to show, who those banned players are, creating new accounts, to cause mischief in the Community & keep tensions rising in the Community.
Ultimately demonstrating for all Community members, who are not directly involved, to see beyond raw emotions, exactly what you are doing & have been doing for a very long time.
It is a heads up for them to protect themselves online & avoid bullying behaviour.
Just as I am looking out for them & myself, against bullying. That's what Moderators do, despite public mocking, ridicule & poor treatment by a select few.
So again, this will no be closed & looked into.
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Hi @ElenaVorona and @Lady_Sarina
I just wanted to jump in here and second what Lady_Sarina has said. While we of course are always open to hearing what players think and encourage players to give feedback on any changes coming to the community, we had to close the thread as it was getting out of hand. Our moderators worked swiftly, but the thread at one point had comments from players who previously has been banned but posted from newly created accounts. This is not allowed. We also noticed that some of the feedback was no longer constructive and moved into name-calling and being rude. This also is not allowed and those comments have been edited or removed.
I hope you can understand why the thread had to be closed and that @Lady_Sarina took very reasonable steps in order to protect other players.