Chit chat
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
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You can edit your post (within 24 hours) or next comment with using English Language. 😉
Have a nice day! 😊
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Hola buenas noches soy nueva y estoy emocionada por pasar el nivel dos me encanta el.juego candy crush
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Soy abeja nueva y acabo de bajar farm héroes saga me encanta como candy crush no me canso de.jugarlos
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Voy por.el.nivel 457 de Candy crush y esperó llegar a más
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Buenas noches espero ganar muchas insignias y lingotes de oro
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Sorry for your reply because we can only use English on this discussion of King Community. 😔
Don't worry! You make sure to translate from your current language to English language first then you copy and paste with using English Language on Google Translate as well.
Click on Google Translate 👈
You can edit your post (within 24 hours) or next comment with using English Language. 😉
Have a nice day! 😊
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Hello! New Bee Players! 👋
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Here is a link to help you learn your way around the community. Here is a guide to help you locate the different areas in the community! Here you'll find the game communities, you can get answers to the most frequent issues here, and here you can participate in competitions and win Gold Bars and more! 👈️
Have a nice and safety day! 😊