Any Game’s that we can play against each other?

Level 1
Hi I’m new to the community and I’m really hoping that there’s games where we can actually play against each other, if so could you please let me know what they are? Thank you!!
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Opps! This website (King Community) has only Supports, Discussions, Contests and others.
If you want to play any King's Game (Games) on any devices :
Type of phone's Version (such as Android, iOS/iPhone/iPad and Amazon) : You can search 'King' then you click on any King's Game (Games) to show 'Saga' by King then you download it/them on Google Play Store (Android) / App Store (iOS/iPhone/iPad) / Amazon.
Computer Version (such as Facebook and Windows 10) : You can't download then search and play Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue and Blossom Blast Saga only on Facebook.
You can also download Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue, Bubble Witch 3 and Blossom Blast Saga only on Microsoft Store (Windows 10).
You can also check to select what's King Game will you like playing here? 😉
So can you got to play it/them? I hope you can play it/them! Enjoy your happy playing! 😊
You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇
Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊