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🎉 It's my 5th Anniversary on King Community (Part 2)🎉 💎🌟 Diamond Lim 🌟💎

Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,173
edited July 2024 in Discussions

Hello again! 👋

Let's continue reading my 5th Anniversary of best and happy memories on King Community (Part 2). 😉

On 16th March 2023, Woah! Finally I have reached up to 500 badges on King Community! I love earning these badges and thanks so much again! ❤️🏅😄

I have also reached up 107000+ posts and 23000+ points. Is it amazing again? Right? 👆😄

On 30th March 2023, Woohoo! I did completed all of 12 Candy Crush Friends Saga Quests 2023 then I claim very exclusive 10-point badge with Olivia! I really love claiming this badge and challenging all of Candy Crush Friends Saga Quest 2023 Contests! Thanks so much! ❤️😄

Check out Celebration of the End of Friends 2023 Quest here! 🎉😄

On 3rd April 2023, finally I posted next one General Hub Contest is called "🐱 Win Badge and Gold Bars here! What's your favourite cat and Why? 🐱"

Wow! Pawsome! I see so many participants have participated, voted then answered their favourite cat and pawsome feedbacks, then they really love to get the badge so much again! 👇😄

Thank you for your participating and answering your pawsome feedbacks on "What's your favourite cat and Why?" contest so much! Meow~! 🐱 And this badge created by Novapichu the Community Manager. Is this badge so pawsome? Oh! I am sure they really love this badge so much! Meow~! 👆🏅❤️😸

On 6th April 2023, I posted my tenth Diamond Diaries unlimited badge thread is called "Which charm would love the most and Why? ❤️💙💛💚💜"

Make sure vote and comment which charm would love the most then explain why then can claim this badge! 👇🏅😄

This badge created by Johamilton again! Thank you for your helping me to create this badge again! Johamilton! ❤️😄 Is this badge so cool and sassy again? 👆🏅😄

On 20th April 2023, it's our celebrate King's 20 year anniversary with us here! 👑🎉2️⃣0️⃣🥳

I have written my greetings on 20th anniversary card to King! 👇👑🎉2️⃣0️⃣🥳

Happy 20th Year Anniversary to you! King! 👑🎉🥳 We love still playing King's Games forever! It's MaKing the World Playful! 👑😄

On 16th June 2023, Yes! Finally it's my birthday while I turn to 24 years old now! 🎂😄

I am so happy as I see so many players (also Community Team) have celebrated my birthday so much! Thank you for your celebrating my birthday and also answering sweet and kind birthday wishes so much! 💕😄

Maybe the most celebrated birthday is me again?! I think so! 😅

Oh Wait! No just celebrating my birthday, I also posted my eleventh Diamond Diaries unlimited badge thread is called "💎🏅 Birthday Surprise Gift For You! 🎂🎉"

Just share your birthday date then Lucy, Bernadetta, Charlie and I will put your birthday date on our birthday Calendar and you will get this Surprise Birthday Badge now! 👇🎂🎉🏅😄

This badge has been created by myself again. Is this badge so cool and sassy again? 👆🏅😄

When your birthday began, Lucy, Bernadetta, Charlie and I will also celebrating your birthday sweet wishes together! 🎉🎂😄

On 3rd July 2023, it's Celebrate Happy 5th Anniversary to Diamond Diaries Saga with us together! We are so happy to celebrate it! The time is spending so fast! Right?! You just comment here and let's celebrate Happy 5th Anniversary to Diamond Diaries Saga together then you will claim Happy 5th Anniversary Badge! 👇🏅😄

Wow! We really love Happy 5th Anniversary Badge and celebrate Happy 5th Anniversary to Diamond Diaries Saga together! Sassy! 🎉5️⃣💎😄

I wanna to say thank you for making this awesome puzzle linker game and new sassy levels so hardly 5 years! I always love playing this game forever! Diamond Diaries Studio Team! 💕😄

Anyway, it's also so close is my 5th Anniversary on King Community! Almost there! 😉

Woohoo! Finally today (15th July 2023) is my 5th Anniversary on King Community while I get this 5th Anniversary Badge now! 🎉5️⃣😄

I wanna to many thanks for Game Moderator and Community Team as they have given me more happy, fun and surprises on King Community! I also have got a lot of badges from contests and exciting threads. I have created my so many contests and exciting badge threads then I see so many participants have participated and answered on my so many Diamond Diaries and Community Hub contests and exciting badge threads. I love Badges, King Community and also all of you! Many thanks! ❤️😊

While a moment, I created my 5th Anniversary profile picture by myself now! 🎉5️⃣😄

By the way, my real life is still very sadness while I have still Learning Disabilities (from 2008 to present) but I will still never give up to do and help while I will keep going to 6th Anniversary on King Community! ❤️😊

And I have NO MORE posting and sharing my another best memories of 6th and so on Anniversary right now! That's means I have posted and shared my best memories of 1st-5th Anniversary only.

Thank you, everyone! 💖🤗

Happy 5th Anniversary to me on King Community! 🎉5️⃣😄

Read back to Part 1 here! 😉

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