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πŸ‘­πŸ‘­ November's fun fact πŸ‘­πŸ‘­



  • Hi my friend thank you for joining

    Do you think your soul symbol truly represent you πŸ’“

  • I tend to see the positive in life so even though I'm fire I think of the good parts of it πŸ˜†

  • Oh I'm so sorry πŸ˜” I don't know what I would have done without mine. But I also had 2 of my great grandmother's too. One until I was almost 19! She lived to be 103! We were a huge family and yet very close. Only on my Mom's side, didn't know my father. But I've come to learn that every family is different and that's what makes I love the uniqueness of all of our situations, yet we can all relate in some way. I wish you all the best in life😊

  • Thank you πŸ€—...I feel like we're constantly saying thank you back and forth to each other 🀣

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,322

    Hehe! You're very welcome again! πŸ˜„

    And I am also sorry to hear about your sweetness grandmothers have been passed away! πŸ˜”

    My dad has been also passed away on 20th April 2021 due to his heart attack. My grandma and grandad has been also passed away on many years ago. 😒

    We always praying them rest in peace, goodness, kindness and healthy wishes then they will still looking and protecting us in the heaven right now. They are still in our hearts, souls and dreams come true! πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜Š

    We are still friendly, caring, loving, kindness, supportive and helpful here with you right now! Let's staying stronger, healthy, great and happiness with us together right now! Never give up! πŸ’ͺ❀️😊

  • xBlossomx
    xBlossomx Posts: 7,222

    Wow. That's amazing she lived at 103. My parents didn't have a big family. They had 3 subiling 's each. I'm not close to any of them. But, we are 8 subiling 's .we are very close.

  • I'm am so sorry for your loss this soon! That must be hard on youπŸ˜”. My heart and love goes out to you ❀️ And you are correct they will always be with us in our thoughts, in our hearts and in us. As long as we remember, they truly never die. I have had many family members pass away, some I had time to say goodbye to and some ripped from my life...but I can still feel each one of them, in a song I hear, in a bird outside my window, the flowers that grow in my garden...our loved ones are all around us and it makes me happy to at least have that brief glimpse of them again. I hope you have found your peace in your father's passing and wish you nothing but love and life! πŸ«ΆπŸ€—

  • Oh wow 8! That's a lot!! It's nice that you're close to your siblings though! A lot of people don't have that or even understand what it means to have that kind of relationship. It's a beautiful thing. Cherish it 🫢

    Yeah I had my mom who had me as a teenager so she still lived with her parents and her grandma. Then she had 2 sisters and a brother. Plus my extended family that came over all the other great grandma, 2 great aunts, 2 great uncles and my 7 younger cousins that my grandmother watched after school. So we were an extremely close family even though it was just my maternal side! And I didn't have any siblings...not until I was 19 and my first brother came along and then I had my daughter at 22 and then 3 weeks later my second brother was born πŸ˜†...mother and daughter pregnant at the same time, weird but kinda cool. My daughter and brother are graduating together from the same school this year so it's pretty neat.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,322

    Wow! That was very awesome, sweetness, caring and lovely to hear! Thank you for your awesome, sweetness, caring and lovely wishes to me! πŸ’•πŸ€—

    I will be very happy and still very fine and great now! πŸ’•πŸ˜„

    Yeah! We always praying them rest in peace, goodness, kindness and healthy wishes then they will still looking and protecting us in the heaven right now. They are still in our hearts, souls and dreams come true! πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜Š

    We are still friendly, caring, loving, kindness, supportive and helpful here with you right now! Let's staying stronger, healthy, great and happiness with us together right now! Never give up together! πŸ’ͺ❀️😊

  • xBlossomx
    xBlossomx Posts: 7,222

    @AmberRaeLeo that's cool. Yeah 8 of us we are very close brothers and sisters. I've just come back from my my brother 's house. My nefew... got engaged yesterday. I got lots of presents from my brother and my sister _ law .that's in Yorkshire I live in North West.. you need your family when you are going through a bad time in your life. Everyone needs their family at some point their lives.

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