How well do you know New Year’s traditions?
How does your flag differ from England? I love learning about these traditions. The one thing that I love the most being here is meeting people from different countries and learning so much about the cultures and traditions.
When I am back on my computer in the morning I want to learn more about your traditions.
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Hi my lovely,
England is our Country.
Cornwall is my County.
St. Pirran is our flag.
I am a Celt, Pagan.
Somewhat Christian
Buddhism and others have had an influence.
I believe no matter what culture, the true Mother Earth spirit embraces all.
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I am going to sound very stupid right now but what is the United Kingdom in comparison to England? I just finished animated gnomes fir Mother Earth and Father Sky. My father’s parents were from England and they moved to Canada. My nephew was in England years ago and he met some cousins. I don’t know where they live.
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Firstly, please my lovely you are far from stupid, there is much to learn and I have loads to learn, I truly understand the feeling you express my sweet. I also love learning something new. If I can learn something new each day then I feel a day is worth lived 🤗
In the United Kingdom there are the Countries - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Many Cornish moved abroad to places like Canada, South Africa, mine to Australia. They were miners.
We are a County of miners, fishermen and farmers.
Mining has a huge history in our County.
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Please share this here my love, I would love others to see 🤗💜
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I looked online to see where you live and it’s beautiful!
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I will try to take a couple of pictures but I am sure they will post a video..
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