Colleen: Keeping Track of Threads

I'm curious how you keep track of all the threads and comments. There are so many
Hi @Colleen12 I couldn't answer your comment in the thread you posted it in as to do so would be off topic. I don't like to post in an off topic manner if I don't have to but I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.
There is no easy answer to your question and it is a combination of things I would say. Having a good memory is part of it, but so is the way I post. When I post I post in a particular manner. If I am posting about adverts I always use the word adverts and not ads. When posting numbers, when applicable, I always try to write out the number rather than use digits. This style of posting makes it easier to search for posts that I am looking for.
The community improvement posts I found because I knew they existed (so memory) but to find them I had to search. Knowing I had either posted in those threads or recommended them to other people I just searched the term 'improve community' and filtered on my name.
and I can never get the search feature to work right.
What aspect of the search function are you struggling with Colleen? The search function isn't as good as it used to be, but I still find it works most of the time. Perhaps I can help if you let me know what isn't working for you.
I've noticed that a lot of the threads are outdated, too, like the Master List of Ideas.
The ideas area is a personal bugbear of mine Colleen, you might have noticed I post there a lot. When Elsa used to look after it was kept upto date and tidy. Now it is just nineteen pages of old and repeat ideas that should have been archived a long time ago. It is plain that no one in charge is interested in the ideas section unless I flag something. It is telling that ideas related to Fantastic Five are still listed and open.
The sun is finally coming out after 3 days of continuous rain and it time to get the motorcycle out before the snow starts again😂 Have a great day!
Woohoo that is great news. It has been 20Deg C here in the UK the last three days. Enjoy your ride.
Thank you once again. I am not searching for anything today but I will definitely try what you recommended by searching and filtering them with my Community Name. Interesting, I always spell numbers out that are lower than 10 something we were taught in school. I seldom use abbreviations in the topic subject line. In the body of the post I will also spell it out completely and put the abbreviated version in brackets. Wow, 20 Degrees, we are currently at 12 Celsius, nothing predicted close to 20 in the next two weeks. Here in Newfoundland (NL) we go from Winter to Some Summer and back to Winter usually within four months. Have a great one 😊
June 26, 2024 - 08:43 am NST