No new events after change of phone

Level 1
Hello, I had to change phones recently because my old one was dying. I transferred all the data to the new ones and I am facing now many issues:
- I was able to recover my gold but all my old boosts are gone? I used to have gain a lot through the game...
- There is no no event and for instance I don't the daily "wheel of fortune"...
I have try to deconnect and reconnect my account without any success. Any other tips?
Many thanks
Hi my friend welcome to the hub community its lovely to meet you
Unfortunately if you change your device or uninstall you do loose your boosters
However if you had purchased any please select the contact us tab at the bottom of this page and explain to our customer services they can check your account and reimburse you
You will first receive an automated reply please reply back to this and explain again
With the events they are not permanent and do come and go as our studio ocasionaly perform a reshuffle
Hopefully they will return soon
In the meantime try playing any level then close down and leave your device off for a moment or two this can sometimes re trigger your events 💓