Let's celebrate Dec. 25th together!
Wow! That was so marvelous and cool snow globe and cats! ❄️🔮👍😮
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thank u 🩷
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Wow! That was so adorable, cute, marvelous and cool teddy reinbears! ❄️🐻👍😮
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Sweet! You're very welcome again! @LadyGaivman 🌈❤️😄
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I don’t have much but I do the best i can with what I have. That little tree was from the Walmart & the snow globe was from a flea market. Try 2 make my apartment look Christmasy. 🎄🎁
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Wow! That's great! 👍😄
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Ciao a tutti ecco per voi una mia poesia per augurarvi un sereno Natale ricco di pace e amore.
Ciao @_Elsa_ @Diamond_Lim
"La favola"
Fiocchi di neve...
come stelle cadenti
in un tempo lontano
inizia il suo cammino
di casa in casa,
da via a via,
di città in città,
da nazione a nazione,
passando da un'epoca all'altra
senza mai sosta.
Porta in spalla un enorme sacco,
dentro tanti e tanti pacchettini,
deponendoli uno dopo l'altro
sotto ogni albero,
accanto al presepe,
nella culla,
accanto al letto,
oppure ancora...
vicino al caminetto.
Il sacco stracolmo
pur prelevando sempre
pacchetti su pacchetti.
La notte sembra mai finire
e il sacco...
il suo sacco
mai si svuota.
Per ogni bimbo un dono,
che sia grande o piccino,
non conta il valore in esso contenuto,
ma la sua magia.
E' una magia che si ripete,
stupore negli occhi,
bimbi festosi,
adulti sorridenti.
Il Natale...
è magia,
finché lo si festeggerà,
Babbo Natale
e il suo cammino
mai fine avrà!!!
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Teddy Bear Nativity by Boyd's Bears. This is just too cute and it stays out year round. Now I know that the Shrek Donkey and Babe the pig do not belong, but try telling them that! Babe the pig even stole my pink cz bracelet and wears it as a necklace. I can't get it back. Hehe!
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Hi @LuciLu8, the translator in the community doesn't seem to be working so I just took your poem and translated it on Google. I will post what you wrote in English.
That is a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it with us.
And here is Santa Claus (Babbo Natale in Italian) for you! Please try to use Google Translate so that those who don't speak Italian can enjoy your messages too.
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I love that!
And here is a teddy bear greeting for you!