Why not Luna Light Saga back?

Had no chance to play this game but for what I read I am sure it was amazing!
Why not bring it back? I am sure it would have many fans. Especially as it deals with the sky and the Zodiac. What do you think?
Why not Luna Light Saga back? 63 votes
Yes, please!
@Diamond Lim , can we have some tagging please? 😉 Thanks 🤗
5 -
Yes, please!
I Voted 😊
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Yes, please!
thanks my friend 🤗
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Yes, please!
Well voted yes, but...
Luna Light Saga is the best game they ever created in turns of graphics and soundtracks and it's the best linking game back in the day before it was cancelled! This game was taking over to become a mobile game as this game was on Royal games before... but when 2017 comes the team behind the game decided to cancelled the game and start working on other project which is Royal Boulevard Saga known as Diamond Diaires Saga nowadays! This is sad right but why not... Probably another team try to takeover the game and bring it back and i think they will do it, how? well let me tell you an example:
Sooo Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga was cancelled, not ones, not twice, but three times and the Pet team decided to back the game from dead on 2018 and here we are... we got the game!
1st cancellation of Pet Rescue Puzzle is from 2015 when the game soft launched and it come back on the middle of 2016 and it cancelled again on the end of that year, then it come back on the beginning of 2017 and it removed again on the end of that year until another them takeover the game and released again on 2018 with a hole new title, new graphics and new characters designs!
So probably we will see the same thing happened with Luna Light Saga!
We have to wait and see...
See you around!
8 -
Yes, please!
Tagging some players... 🤗
@lcalloway82, @Kcbtyler, @KENTFIELDER, @Rancid, @Glenn1972, @Mim_, @Elsa , @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Sukanta_Biswas, @SeraphicStar, @bearwithme, @KingChewy, @mysticalmysty, @firebombmarkus, @PummyRaj, @BQN537 , @candycrushinit, @Lynette, @JustPlaying, @Chicken_Slayer, @mercerik, @Crimson_Dawn, @LizzyLemondrop, @wafercookieflippers, @MJMR, @BeckyBubblegum, @wozziewoo, @LauraLMason, @caambuj, @Deryck, @thessao, @Hesham_Shaheen, @Robipooh85, @MiaChristine, @jwcollins1, @richcastle @samm_kml @Diamond Lim @AbhinavSargar@SabrinaM, @Yosca, @Nat09, @flew66, @Sofia1992, @stan1981, @SugarDonuts, @Mahiveche, @debrichmond, @RobinCorte, @DeepshikhaSharan, @KitKathySuzyQ, @Ashraf, @abe_coffee, @frenioz00, @STOKEDER, @Sharon_Loose, @Lucas_Yan_Maia, @FaRayha, @satnam, @donnakessler, @GranBarb, @gr33n3y3z, @Spinnifix, @MataiceAlison, @christine88, @piaandersson, @paul5473, @kaiser1618, @sakura, @Scooterpie, @Acv, @Simon888, @Betts, @Mattia_, @slidey, @johamilton, @Nck, @Peter_Tornaros @JethrinaBodina, @sarma_palash123, @Albert_Heinrich, @Mystique, @johamilton, @KimElston, @RumellKhan123, @siti_payung, @Freddy_Falkner, @Bumper2019, @Dirty_Nurse, @RegalRenz, @starsweet, @Eddie_Sparrow, @akthamabuali, @Mary_Kay, @encantes, @MountainMom, @Origins7_Dale, @Trish24, @kavidina, @aijaziqbal, @Carmel1919, @sameeksha, @Loveth_NP, @wykoon, @hechicerilla, @jjac272903, @Nck @Spieler_8675309 @Jasmina @QueenMia @Xarly @QueenB @Lola_Pop @Pounawea @Crazy Cat Lad @LadyRaffie
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Yes, please!
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Yes, please!
Thanks for the survey. I don't know this game and would like to try it out. I've also been to RG - Royalgames and a lot of games have been removed there. Many players loved the game Bejeweld. When that says something to someone. Candy Crush came for Bejeweld. A very simple version. It's like this with the games: They are only limited in time, because then the license has expired.
That is the reason!!
2 -
Yes, please!
Diamond Diaires Saga is amazing 😊
2 -
Yes, please!
Of course! I really like this game! I miss this game so much! @lemcbl 😢
I will tagging active players to vote this discussion if you are interested :
(Tagging name's list - Part 1)
@AbhinavSargar, @lilac68, @TaniaSloan, @yukibear, @donnakessler, @debrichmond, @Yosca, @KENTFIELDER, @lcalloway82, @Jasmina, @ArmyArms, @GranBarb, @sam_123, @ZoricaPanda, @JulesAg, @TrishaRobbeCandy, @firebombmarkus, @frenioz00, @Spinnifix, @Mmmkingfan, @MataiceAlison, @AShadow, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Mahiveche, @Elsa, @imabearnut, @destiny3, @ivy2020, @FaRayha, @TheRevenger, @the_revenger, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @BeckyBubblegum, @Deryck, @christine88, @encantes, @caambuj, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Yosca, @piaandersson, @Acv, @Mangai, @Simon888, @Swimming, @Fakhri, @Scooterpie, @wozziewoo, @Sammyjo, @sakura, @SagaR, @aijaziqbal, @Trish24, @gemmafontana09, @lilac1015, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @teresawallace44, @Pcj, @Gamelover2, @Pitty_Kitty, @KYLNE, @MightyWolf, @terrazas1326, @Eagle1010, @littlemissmim08, @tratelqalam, @arjankrijger2005, @Soda_bottelet, @Elenna, @Tzvi_Marcu, @paris2009, @Flash18, @ElenaVorona, @MollyMolls, @007jayc, @DoubleB423
5 -
Yes, please!
(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@RobinCorte , @samm_kml, @foxyfox, @Betts, @Mattia_, @Glenn1972, @stramonium, @caambuj, @Lucas_Yan_Maia, @SabrinaM, @KingChewy, @johamilton, @mysticalmysty, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nck, @Nat09, @SeraphicStar, @bearwithme, @kaiser1618, @Rancid, @paul5473, @abe_coffee, @Crimson_Dawn, @LizzyLemondrop, @wafercookieflippers, @Chicken_Slayer, @MiaChristine, @candycrushinit, @flew66, @BQN537, @Special_K369, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @STOKEDER, @slidey, @ShannaSkywolf, @SugarDonuts, @Mattia_, @kingcrushinit, @Mistyfan, @Popower, @Pocahontas1, @pompamandy83, @Albert_Heinrich, @richcastle, @Byrd59, @QueenReineer, @LatishaWillyard, @mimi1954, @Spieler_8675309, @MorphButterfly, @sarma_palash123, @Marzia333, @tininha1975, @Gourav01, @Aitch, @Peter_Tornaros, @Breee, @Ashraf, @mimi1954, @Coconathecat, @Mary_Kay, @RumellKhan123, @Bumper2019, @LoveDachs, @JethrinaBodina, @KimElston, @akthamabuali, @LoLo513, @jess_ica_123, @Harrypotter, @JabinDavis, @JDNORAfan, @Anika499, @MountainMom, @starsweet, @RegalRenz, @Leanna_Allen, @Olivia_Lim, @Carmel1919, @Princess_lovely, @sameeksha, @Bunny_69, @Adura, @pearl_chetna, @Sweetice, @kavidina, @jamilsidiq, @SBH, @Timmy89, @MaryLuyo2020, @yoph_1234, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Leslie_B, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @lhalha, @nico_queen, @mercerik, @Anahita_2005, @Pcj, @idjowey, @Tina_Williams-2, @ipete, @Origins7_Dale, @Loveth_NP, @mhemz, @BlueberryCupcake, @Chase_, @MollyS, @copas, @cobismolly, @lemcbl, @Melbennett, @ffs, @Iffo, @pgagne, @me6412, @CandyCrushIsCool, @Shilviya18, @Calis, @Freddy_Falkner, @Antoniogames2030, @casiesteph, @Ella1, @Rubina24, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @cjay63, @lilikoikisses, @doctroublemaker, @NikolaosProdromidis, @actipton80, @Carly_S, @evaramotar, @AstonMartin, @Twi, @Zara902, @Alex18, @一氧化二氫, @NelaMezdrea, @Haleakala, @Cristina_20, @MAW1972, @Greymane, @WonderlandCentury789, @tscheip, @MysticalMisty2, @larasofiasofia, @Colin_Kebbell, @Kui_Njenga, @PD987, @yonahselcy and @satnam 👋