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Stop responding to my comments



  • Snicky64
    Snicky64 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    edited February 2021

    (Edit by CM: Rude)

  • Snicky64
    Snicky64 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    Pretty Bubbles many people who respond to my comments are rather rude and disrespectful to my concerns and think it's ok to laugh at me or criticize how I express myself which shouldn't be allowed, and the same unknown player keeps bothering me for extra lives on Candy Crush Saga and I'm truly tired of them always asking me and has asked me over 15 times in a week or so it's ridiculous to be so obnoxious, why not ask other people instead of bothering the same person repetitively because more than once is harassment and 20 times is beyond harassment and refuses to identify themselves but uses a panda face.. I wish there were a way to identify this person to ban them from asking for help repeatedly it's annoying and intrusive and like I said previously, dependent on me like a drug addict needing drugs it's uinhealthy for them to keep bothering the same person as often as they are bothering me and refuses to comprehend to ask others or help themselves. I just want this jerk to stop bothering me for extra lives that feature needs to be removed.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,251

    Hi @Snicky64 Thanks for taking time to get back to me. With anybody who is making you feel bad in any of your posts please tag me by selecting @ then type my name once you see it in the drop down select it and it should appear in black that way I will be notified and I can help with stopping this behaviour for you.

    Regarding the lives I dont how I can resolve this without knowing who it is. If you select there avatar the panda face you see will it not open up this persons profile 🙂

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,635

    Hello my Community friend,

    First let me say that it is frustrating to be at the point of feeling that your being pointed out as a helping hand to someone's else's game especially when you aren't even able to know who they are indeed this can upset anyone......

    There is a way to stop this from happening to you as you can remove them from your friend's list...simply by up clicking them off your list, that easy, and you can also go to the bottom of your game when you complete a level such as in Candy Crush Saga, at the bottom you can see everyone in your game as they are in the bottom and there you can click off the one's you wish not to appear in your friend's as you will see where they will not have their (heart) check with their (mailbox ) on when you check them on or off as this is your choice to do.....this is an option in several King Games but not all of them......

    Hope this helps you out my new Community friend indeed 😉💯

    P.S. I have a Panda Bear doing this same thing in my game as well 😉

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